Chapter 19

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Dove's P.O.V

We were patiently waiting on Alexis to wake up, I sat beside her and watched as she was just laying there. She looked like she was only asleep but I couldn't be too sure. Michaela looked worried, and constantly she would be looking back at Alexis, and pace, and then hold on to Josh and bury her face in his shoulder. I had Nick near me, he clung to me like glue, we both watched Alexis as she slept. At this point we had all transformed back into our normal clothes to try to draw less attention to ourselves.

"Why isn't she waking up?" Michaela asked.

The group of creatures, which we were now informed are called kinks. They had human forms but were like monkeys.

"It is just taking its time." One of the kinks said.

I could tell she was worrying. We were also losing day light. Thankfully we had the natural light of the Urolillies, as they grew around the edge of this nook.

Matt's P.O.V

Maia was a great help, she was very knowledgeable and insightful. She was telling me about how she was slowly chiseling away at an opening in the cave.

"Well, I have some of these." I said, pulling out some gum balls.

"Perfect!" Maia said, as she took them.

"How are they going to help us?" I asked.

"Well, with a touch of magic.." She placed them inside the hole. "They can easily help us." She stood back and the gum balls exploded opening the cave, the opening was big enough to escape.

"Let's go. We are losing daylight." I said, as I grabbed Maia's hand.

We quickly ran down the mountain side, trying not to attract the attention of the dragon resting on the mountain top. Although it wasn't looking good for us, as I heard rocks tumbling as we ran.

Nick's P.O.V

"She's not waking up." Michaela said, as she continued to pace.

"It's ok, she's gonna wake up." Josh assured her.

The trees began to sway and the wind picked up. The sky wasn't dark, so it seemed odd.

"We have to move her to safety." The kinks said, as they helped Josh move her.

In the distance I seen figures moving towards us.

"Oh no, what's coming now?" Dove asked, as she hid behind me.

I looked closer, and noticed long hair and a cape. I also seen dark hair.

"I think it's Maia, and Matt?" I replied.

They were running towards us, as in the sky, a giant dragon was flying above them.

"It is, and the dragon is following them!" Michaela said, as we looked to the sky.

"Let's take this dragon down!" I said, as I jumped into action.

"Let's use our Aurix powers to take him down." Dove added.

"What kills fire, better than water." Michaela replied.


We all flew up towards the dragon, and remained firm and strong infront of it.

Matt and Maia, ran to help Alexis.

"SHIMMERING SHELLS!" a cluster of shells opened revealing multiple rays of light beams.

The dragon opened its mouth, the fire exploded out. We all scattered as it chased us in every direction.

"I got this guy!" Michaela shouted, as she created a water muzzle around its mouth.

"We can't hurt it, it's just scared, and hungry." Dove said, as she held her fingers to the sides of her head.

"I know, but we have to defend ourselves." I added.

"PEARL PROTECTION BARRIER!" Dove said, as she encased the dragon in a gigantic pearl.

"Now, let's get it out of here." Michaela said.

"RETURN TO NATURE!" Dove said, as the dragon was released and turned around away from us. It fell under her spell and returned to its home.

We descended to the ground again, as we did, Michaela gave Dove a huge smile. I gave her a big hug, she looked back into my eyes and just shrugged.

"You were great." I said.

"Thank you." She replied, as she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

Alexis was still laying on the ground, Matt was talking with the kinks. Josh came over to us, and told us what was going on.

It wasn't such great news. The nectar wasn't working, so they didn't really know what to do next.

~Matt's P.O.V~

I was worried for Alexis, they said she has been sleeping for hours, and she hasn't budged.

Josh and the others were standing around talking about something. The kinks were congregating in deep conversations. I would do anything to have my Alexis back.

Maia looked at me, and seen the worry in my eyes.

"True Love." A voice said.

"What?" I asked.

"True Love, if you truly love her, you can break the curse on her." One said.

"How?" I asked.

"Kiss her." They all replied.

I looked down at Alexis, and held her close. Even though she was asleep I could still see her, on our first date. The very first time I met her. I could see her in health and thinking of her, made me start to tear up. She's my match, my other half. I don't know what I would do without her. Her laugh, smile, beauty, smarts, care and compassion, the way her eyes sparkle when she makes music, and the way she makes me feel. I could never forget any of those feelings.

I leaned down and kissed her, I pulled away and looked down into her eyes.

She laid still and motionless, I hugged her and sobbed into her shoulder.

I felt her move, I could feel her heart beating. As I pulled away from her shoulder, her eyes fluttered open and she smiled.

"I missed you." She said quietly, as she brought me close and kissed me.

I could hear everyone in the background cheering with joy.

"I love you. Don't ever leave me again." She whispered.

"I promise, if I do, I'll always come back for you." I replied.

A Fairy's Tale 6: The Dark RevengeUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum