Chapter 1

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"These fairies! They are unstoppable! How will we ever defeat them?!?"

"Don't worry, I've been watching them. I know their strengths and I know their weaknesses."

"Well you haven't found a way to beat them, you've been working for years! You even went to that retched school!"

"I will get them! I have a spell, it's already in the works. By this time in 2 days, all the worlds will be ours."

"Alyssa, I knew you were the right fairy to choose!"

"I will finally get my revenge on these worlds, for outcasting me, for confining me! They will all pay!"
Nick's P.O.V

"I'm so happy to be back at Galatea for another year!" I said, happily walking into my room.

"It's even better that we are here teaching! Finally, a year without chaos just a normal year." Michaela cheered.

"Ya, it's pretty cool. Teaching a class." Alexis said, as she smiled and sat down into Matt's lap.

"So does that mean I call you miss now?" Matt asked.

"That's professor to you." She replied, with a smirk.

"What classes are you teaching?" Dove asked everyone.

"Well, I'm teaching Fairy Laws and Justice." Michaela replied.

"I'm teaching, the fairy battle and combat classes, as well as potionology." I replied.

"I'm teaching Fairy Music and Applications, and I'm assisting in the magical spells lab." Alexis replied.

"What classes are you teaching Dove?" Michaela asked.

"I'm teaching herbology and animal studies, with Nick, my lab assistant." She replied, as she walked over to me and cuddled into me.

"So your my boss now?" I asked.

"Yes, so come here." She said, as she lowered my head down to kiss me.

I had grown over the summer, and I was taller than everyone else.

"You guys are too cute!" Josh said, as he waltzed in. Wrapping his arms around Michaela.

"Hey, where have you been?" Matt asked him.

"Miss F was chatting with me. She wanted to see you before you start your classes? Oh and Matt, we should probably get going, we have more training in." Josh replied.

"Yep, we have a fight tournament later this week. We are working with these new weapons, they only work when we are in tune with nature." Matt said.

"Ok, if you have to." Alexis said, as she kissed Matt goodbye.

They both left and we watched as they hopped on their motorcycles and headed back to their school.

"Well I guess we should head down to see miss F." I said, as I finished putting away my clothes.

"Ok. Lets head down there." Alexis said, getting up.
Alexis's P.O.V

Things have been picking up, especially between Matt and I. I think this new found confidence has been a good thing for both of us.

Miss F wanted to see us, as she does every year, usually it's just a welcome and it's where we find out our mission. But today I'm hoping it will just be a warm welcome.

"Good afternoon. I'm so glad to have you back again as not only valued Guardian Fairies but also Galatea Professors. I know you all know your stuff quite well, but I wanted to say good luck tomorrow. The students should be honoured to have you as their alumni and faculty. You will also remember our teachers from years past. Like Professor Daphne, she will be available for any help you'll need." Miss F said happily.

She was always so spirited and joyful, it's one of the many things I love about her. She's like a grandma, so wise and knowledgable. Although some could say the same for me, as I'm told.

"Thank you, we will make you proud." Michaela said.

"Oh, you already have." She replied, as she gazed at us with a twinkle in her eye and a huge smile on her face. She began to tear up and cry.

We all rushed over to her.

"What's wrong? Is everything ok?" I asked her, wiping her tears.

"Nothing, nothing. I'm just so thankful for all of you." She said, as we all huddled in around her.

All of a sudden, the door flew open. Daphne appeared.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I have an urgent message." She said, handing miss F a note.

Daphne, she looked so timid and worried as always. She thankfully has a beautiful smile that lights up a room.

"Oh, what's this?" She asked, looking over at miss F.

"It seems that the school for witches has allowed us to tour their grounds, and only in exchange that we let some witches come here." Miss F said.

"What's the problem? When we went it was fine?" Nick asked.

"Well, usually the witches cause a lot of problem to our fairies." She replied.

"And not every fairy can handle them. We usually have the few witches every year that decide to target fairies and fight!" Daphne said.

"Oh ya, I remember that. Unfortunately the fairies that year were us. But we showed them." I said.

"I think that you should take the fairies over to the school. I feel that they will be safe with you. We can handle the witches here. It's when they are on their own turf they get brave." Miss F said.
Meanwhile at the school for witches...

"Now! There will be no cornering fairies! I don't want to have the headmistress to get involved! I don't want to get involved. Witches and fairies are supposed to exist in common, it doesn't matter if we don't like them. As long as we show them the respect that we want." Headmistress Griffifth said.

An auditorium of witches sat in boredom, as she lectured. These were all freshman witches, which meant they were quite investigative with their powers.

"If you do happen to cause any trouble and get caught, so help me you will be PUNISHED!" She warned them.

"Yes headmistress." The auditorium replied in unison and boredom.

A Fairy's Tale 6: The Dark RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now