Start from the beginning

"Paralyzed from the neck down. Do you have any idea what that feels like?" Jackson asks us.

Derek and his goons tested him.

"I'm familiar with the sensation..." Stiles answer drolly.

I nod in agreement.

"Wait-- why would Derek test you? Why would he think that it's you?" Scott asks confused.

Jackson gets defensive. "How should I know?"

"Wait, do they think it's Lydia?" I ask him.

"I don't know! All I heard was her name and something about chemistry..." He says a little too loudly.

Coach walks over. "Jackson! Do you have something you want to share with the rest of the class?"

"Umm... Just an undying admiration for my-my coach..." He lies quickly.

Kiss ass.

"That's really kind of you." Coach puts on a small smile.

"Now shut up! Shut it!" He yells.

"Anybody else?" He goes back to the front of the room.

"How do we know it's not her?" Scott questions.

You've got to be kidding me.

"Because I looked into the eyes of that thing, okay? And what I saw was pure evil. And, when I look into Lydia's eyes—"

I get cut off by Stiles. "You only see fifty percent evil."

I glare at him.

"All right, maybe sixty. You know, but no more than forty on a good day!" He tries to fix up his mistake.

"That's not a very good argument..." Scott sighs.

"I'm aware of that, but I swear it's not her. It can't be, all right? Lydia's fine." I tell him.

I guess I spoke too soon because when we look up to the front of the class we see a shaken up Lydia.

She's got tears running down her face and she's facing the class terrified.

"...Okay, then. Anybody else want to try answering? This time in English?" Coach asks.

The whole class laughs and that's when I notice the writing on the board.


What the hell is that?

"What is that, Greek?" Scott asks.

Stiles takes a picture of the broad and then flips it.

"No, actually, I think it's English..." he shows us.


Well that's comforting.

"Derek's not gonna kill her without proof." Scott tells us as we walk into chemistry.

"All right, so he tests her like he did with Jackson, right? But when and where?" Stiles asks.

"...I think here and now." I say pointing to Isaac and Erica strutting into class.

We look over to see them making there way to Lydia. We race over and take up the seats before they can.

She gives the boys a weird look but smiles at me.

"Einstein once said, 'Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity... And I'm not sure about the universe.' I myself have encountered infinite stupidity." Harris starts talking and walks up to Stiles as he talks about stupidity.

Addicted To You {STILES STILINSKI}Where stories live. Discover now