Ch.6: Stranger

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7:50 a.m

Kev pulls up to the curb of the airport drop off and puts his car on Park.

He turns and looks at me and then at Sam.

"Sam, I'll hold her down while you get the ropes and duct tape."

"I'm already on it!" Sam shouts.

I laugh out loud.

"You guys can't do that because I probably won't even fight back!"

The next 10 minutes consist of crying, laughing, hugging, and more crying.

We finally get out of the car and my best friends help me with my luggage.

"Rosalie Johnson?" We all look up at the voice and it's a man with a beard dressed in a suit and holding a small briefcase.

"Yes?" I respond confused.

"Good morning, Miss Johnson. I'm Daniel Garret I'll be assisting you with your travel to Nirvana and once we arrive you'll be greeted by your rep, Carol Knight, I'm aware you've already acquainted yourself with her?"

"Oh, right. I was told I was going to be greeted by someone I just totally forgot, nice to meet you. And yes I know her."

In the private email Carol sent me she informed me that I was going to be greeted by another representative from Nirvana, I guess it just slipped my mind. Maybe Josh's kiss constantly replaying in my mind is making me forget just about EVERYTHING.

"Perfect. You have a few minutes to say goodbye, I'll take care of your bags." He turns around and makes a small hand gesture and 3 young men come and take all of my bags inside.

I turn back around to Kev and Sam.

"So, there's something I haven't told you guys yet. I put the house under both of your names so you two are now the owners."

They both open their mouths in shock.

"What? What do you mean?" Kev asks in disbelief.

"What about your mother?" Sam includes also in shock.

"This morning when I went to say goodbye to her she had her stuff all packed up and said she's going to move in with her boyfriend. I have seen him once- he's a no-good druggie just like her. Not to mention, I did tell her she had to leave, just expected it to be ugly. So, the house is yours. You guys could do whatever you want with it. Fix it up and rent it out or move in yourselves."

"Rose you have no idea how much that will help us out." Sam turns to Kev and grabs his hands. "We've been wanting to get out of that tiny ass apartment for years! We could pull together our savings and put more into the house! Wait, no, Rose, that's too much we can't accept that!"

"It is too much! Ro, you could just rent it out while you're gone and have the money sent to you," Kev adds.

"For what, guys? To pay the bills I won't have?" I shake my head and laugh. "It's yours. You guys work way too hard and you've done way too much for me. Make sure you're checking your mail as well because I'll be sending you money to help and get the house fixed up! I'd love to see the finished product. Oh, everything is done on my part but you still have to go to the bank , take your ID's, to sign a few things and then the house is officially yours."

They both pull me into a hug and squeeze me tightly.

"We're so grateful for you, Rose. You'll always be our family do you hear me?" Kev says crying.

"You are our little sister and we love you more than you'll ever know." Sam also starts to cry.

"I love you guys so much!" I'm crying so hard. "I promise I'll stay in contact. I can't say much but as soon as I find out what I can do, as far as calling and talking to family, you guys will be the first I'll call."

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