bug's daddy

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Rose calls Chris dad for the first time

It was been months since Romain send Chris that text, but that hadn't left his mind. Romain was ok with his daughter calling another man "dad", he was fine being replaced. Romain had talked with Scarlett too, telling that he was felling that the day was getting closer, and she shouldn't stop Rose, because he won't.

Chris heard a whisper coming for Rose's room but couldn't understand what she was saying or if she was saying something. She could be sleeping taking, it wouldn't be the first time, so he got back to sleep.

"Daddy?" This time he heard clearly what she was calling

"She is calling you babe" Scarlett said not even opening her eyes

"What?" Chris was so lost in this moment

"Just remember what Romain said and go grab your daughter" Scarlett said turning to the other side and going back to sleep

"Daddy?" That was it, Chris got up the bed and walked towards Rose's room.

"Hey bug, what's is going on?" Her night light was providing enough light in the room so Chris could see the girl that was sitting on her bed with tears in her eyes.

"daddyyyy" Rose had her arms up for Chris to pick her. His eyes watering as he listening the girl calling him

"Hey. It's fine, bug, I'm here" Rose was now safe in his arms, clinged liked the floor wasn't there "did you have a bad dream?" She nodded

"Can you tell me?" Chris was sitting on the bed and felt the girl clinged even more "I will just sit in the bed"

"Noooo" Rose said crying

"No tell me or no sitting on the bed?"

"No tell you"

"Ok" he placed a kiss on top of her head

"Daddy, can we watch toy story in yours and momma's room?" Chris eyes filled with tears again

"Bug, momma's finally sleeping, how about the living room?" Rose nodded and they went to the living room

"I love you daddy" Rose said as the movie started

"I love you too bug" Chris said letting a tear fall from his eyes

Scarlett woke up in the morning without the other body that she was used by her side

"He must felt sleep in bug's room" she though walking towards her daughter room and saw that weren't there. She heard the tv playing some animated movie.

She saw Chris sleeping with Rose in his arms as she walked in the living room. Her hormones took care of the rest and soon her eyes were full of tears. She got closer to them and softly started to try wake Chris

"Chris...babe" she was whispering in order of not wake Rose "it dawn already"

Chris slowly opened his eyes and smiled

"Did you slept here with her?" He nodded

"She called me daddy" He has the biggest smile on his face "babe, she called me daddy"

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⏰ Última atualização: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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