Chapter 32: Spaces

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My alarm woke me up in the morning and I dreaded getting out of bed. I dreaded taking my test today but I dreaded seeing Cal even more.

I deleted my socials on my phone last night because I knew it'd upset me reading them. It felt kind of good being disconnected though not gonna lie.

I had one text from Harry when I checked my phone.

H: I'm sorry Olivia. I love you.
O: it's okay. ill text you later I have a test today. i love u too <3

I got ready and walked to class. I didn't run into Grace or Cal thankfully.

When I got to class I skimmed through my notes one more time to refresh my memory.

"Psst.. hey." A feminine voice whispered behind me and I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Uh hey, can I help you?" I asked. It was the girl who had freaked out earlier in the year about me dating Harry.

"I just wanted to apologize about those photos of you and Calum. I saw you two and took pictures to show my friends, but then they shared them and you know how it goes..." I could tell she felt bad, but it still didn't give her a right.

"Yeah we're working things out. Just mind your business next time please? You had no room assuming anything." I snapped.

"Sorry." She nodded and walked away to go sit down.

I inhaled and exhaled to try to relieve from stress but it didn't work. The professor started handing out test so I put up my notes and got a pencil out.

The test wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but I think it was because Cal helped me study yesterday. I'd never admit to that though.

When I walked out the classroom I saw the girl I snapped at and I decided to apologize.

"Hey look I didn't mean to snap at you. It's just a lot is-" she cut me off.

"No I get it. I'm really sorry I didn't mean for this to happen. I'll see you around." She said and walked to her next class.

I started to walk out the building to go home and heard a familiar voice behind me.

"Hey wait up!" Cal shouted.

I was wearing a hoodie that day because it was a little chilly so I put my hood on to cover my face just in case.

"Olivia I'm sorry about what's going on. Hiding from it though is going to get you noticed even more though." He said pulling my hood off my head.

"You know a girl in our class is the one who took those photos?" I said kicking the tiny rocks on the sidewalk as we walked away from the building.

"Yeah she apologized to me. We actually used to go out, me and her." He said sheepishly.

"So is that why she did it?" I asked stopping to look at him.

"Uh yeah I think. But we talked it out. I didn't mean to get you involved in this mess Liv. Is it okay if I call you that?" He seemed to feel bad about what was happening.

"Yeah it's fine." I let out a sigh. We started walking again and I was still dragging my feet.

"Well how are you then?" He asked concerned.

"I don't know Cal. I barely know you and it feels like you're already trying to figure out my whole life. I'll see you around." I said and walked in the opposite direction as him. I felt bad for snapping at him, but today I just couldn't help it.

Grace started calling me on my way home from school but I declined because I didn't want to talk to anyone now. I was just angry at everything and the one person I really wanted to talk to I couldn't. Harry has only been gone for two days and it feels like my life is slowly crumbling.

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