Chapter 25: Steal My Girl

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It was New Year's eve and I was getting ready because we were going out with the band tonight to celebrate. I had never gone out with them before so I was kind of scared, but I knew everyone was going to be drinking so most likely no one will remember anything.

I was looking in the mirror trying to figure out if I liked what I was wearing or not. I had on a black leather skirt that hugged my body just right and a black off the shoulder crop top. It matched perfect with the pair of black gucci boots Harry got me that one day we went shopping. I wanted to look good, especially because there's probably going to be pictures everywhere of Harry and I tonight and people are going to wonder who I am.

"Babe you look great." I watched Harry come up behind me in the mirror and he hugged me.

"Are you sure?" I whined.

"I'd say you look beautiful but damn liv. You look so hot." He was still standing behind me and I watched as he bit his lip and started to kiss my neck. He ran his hands up and down my hips, but stopped when I turned around to face him.

"Harry we are about to leave we can't do this right now." I started laughing but he was still kissing my neck.

"Mmm but baby..." he groaned into my ear as he nibbles it.

I pulled away from him, "Harry we don't have time theyre probably almost here to pick us up." He jutted out his bottom lip and made a sad face. I kissed his bottom and he pulled it back in.

"I love you Harry," I said as our lips parted. "Now cmon they're gonna be waiting for us."

One of Harry's drivers picked us up and we were meeting the band at the club. There were a lot of people out since it was New Year's and it took a while for the drive to find a safe spot to drop us off.

Harry helped me out the car like a gentleman and we followed his security. There was a lot of paparazzi and it was really overwhelming because I had never been in a situation like this. Harry could sense my tension and he looked at me to make sure I was okay and rubbed his thumb on my hand.

"Harry is this your new girl?"
"Harry where's Camille?"
"Are you working on another album?"

Harry just smiled and waved, he didn't seem phased by all the people talking to him. When we finally got away from all them he pulled me in and kissed the top of my head.

"I'm sorry liv, I know it can be stressful."
"It's okay."

We waited at the entrance for the rest of the band to arrive.



They were so excited to see each other and they hugged.

"Hey Olivia, how are you?" He asked me after him and Harry stopped hugging.

"I'm good, what about you?" He gave me a small side hug and we all stood there talking for a little bit waiting to go inside.

We got a booth when we got inside and sat our stuff down.

"Let's go to the bar." Harry said so I followed. I wasn't familiar with this club, but Harry was so I let him order drinks for us and I stood off to the side so I wasn't in the way of anyone else.

I felt someone come up from behind me and run their hand up my side. I turned around expecting it to be Harry, but it wasn't.

"Let me buy you a drink." He had a flirty smile, but I could also tell he had been drinking a lot because his breath reeked of alcohol.

"I'm good thank you. I'm actually waiting for someone." I turned around to go walk towards Harry but he grabbed my shoulder pulling me back.

"Hey don't leave I don't even know your name."

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