Chapter 19: Stole My Heart

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Harry and I picked up Chinese take out and decided to go back to my house to eat dinner so he didn't have to drive me home later. We walked in my apartment and Harry sat the food in the table while I went to the kitchen to get us utensils to eat with.

*ring ring ring*

My phone was on the dining room table where Harry was sitting so I couldn't pick it up.

"Hello!" He answered my phone cheerfully so I ran back into the room to see what he was doing.

"Harry what are you doing!" I exclaimed. I wasn't mad, but I thought it was odd he felt we were that comfortable with each other already.

He moved the phone so his mouth wasn't speaking into it. "It's your mom." He mouthed with a cheeky grin.

I could hear my mom faintly on the other side. "Who is this? Olivia? Hello?"

I reached and grabbed my phone out of Harry's hands and gave him a glare, but he still thought it was funny.

"Hey mom! I'm sorry that was just a friend." I looked back at Harry and walked into the bedroom for some privacy.

I heard her laugh through the phone, "oh sweetheart I thought I had the wrong number for a second. I was just calling to check up on you before Christmas. What are you and Derek doing?"

I was planning on telling her about us after Christmas because I didn't want my family to feel bad for me. I knew I had to tell her now and I could feel a lump in my throat forming making it unable to speak.

I cleared my throat. "Uhh.. about that." I exhaled loudly. "We broke up... but we're fine. Everything's good and I'm still living in our apartment. He's been staying with some friends he works with until he finds a place."

"Olivia, sweetheart why didn't you tell me?? What are you going to do about Christmas? You can still come back home you know and we can figure something out for school later. I love you sweet girl." She knew how much moving out here with Derek meant to me and now I wasn't doing that anymore.

"Mom I'm fine thank you and I love you too. I'm sorry it happened recently so it's been crazy. I have friends though and I'll be okay for Christmas. I miss you guys though so hopefully I'll see you soon."

I heard my mom sigh through the phone. I could tell she was a little worried about me and how I was doing. "Okay sweetie. We miss you too and we love you. I'll talk to you later."

"Love you mom." And I hung up the phone. I know Derek and I broke up for a good reason but it was still hard talking about it. It was like poking at an open wound. I crossed my arms above my head so I could inhale deeper to relax because I knew Harry would ask me what my mom was calling for.

When I turned around Harry was smiling and leaning against the door frame with his arms folded.

"Your mum sounds like a lovely lady."

"Yeah she is... how long have you been standing there?"

He started walking towards me and he gave me a hug and set his chin on top of my head. I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Let's spend Christmas together. My mum and sister are coming to LA tomorrow and the band and I planned to have Christmas at my house."

He didn't want me to be lonely for Christmas and he knew I would never ask if I could spend it with him because I was stubborn.

"I would love to."

I moved my head to look up at him and he moved his hand to my cheek. I could see him leaning in closer to me and I followed his lead. Our lips finally met each other and I brought my arms up to his neck to help me reach him better. Harry's hands were now on my waist and his hands wandered to my butt signaling he wanted to pick me up.

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