Chapter 26: Hardin

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Each hour drags slower than the last, and I feel myself slowly losing all my sanity. It's only Friday, yet it feels like it's been months since I've seen Tessa last. I really can't do this. I need to be with her now.

I log on to my computer to see when the next flight is. There is one at 2:45, but it's noon now, so that would be cutting it pretty close. I see one at 5:15, which isn't great as well because I would get there late at night, and Tessa will probably be asleep. If I rush there, I think I can make the 2:45 flight. Fuck it. I book the ticket and quickly scramble together a carry-on suitcase.

I make it to the airport in record time, thankfully there wasn't any major traffic. I made it to security by 1:45, so hopefully this will go by quick. Of course, to my luck, it doesn't. The security people at this airport take at least five minutes per each person, and there are at least twenty people in front of me. I'm no mathematician, but the odds are not looking to good on making my flight.

I watch as 1:45 turns into 2, which turns into 2:15, which turns into 2:40. At this point, I've accepted the fact that I missed my flight and I am completely fucked. I took a taxi here, which cost a shit load of cash, so I would probably have to wait at least another 30 minutes to catch a cab back home. This is a fucking disaster.

I walk over to a desk and hope someone can help me there.

"Hi. I just missed my flight to Seattle, I was wondering when the next flight is."

"Let me check for you, sir." The airport lady smiles, aggressively batting her lashes at me.

"Well, it seems that the next direct flight isn't until 8 pm." You're lying, I know there is a flight at 5:15.

"There is nothing earlier... how about flights with layovers?" She glances at me and licks her lips. What the fuck does she think she's doing?

"I'm sorry sir, but that's the only flight for the rest of the day." She stares at my lips. Wow, she is about as subtle as a brick through a window. She is young and pretty cute for a lady who works at an airport, but not my type in any way.

If she has a fascination with me like I think she does, I might as well use it to my advantage.

"Listen, Christina, may I call you Christina..." I walk closer and lean my elbows on the desk. She flushes and nods.

"I need to get on a flight to Seattle as soon as possible. I know there is a flight at 5:15."

"That flight is fully booked, sir." She tucks her hair behind her ear.

I laugh a little. "Is there anyway you can get me on that flight? There has to be some room for me?" I smile and I can tell I am working wonders on this chick.

"I'll see what I can do." She starts typing on her computer, looking up at me and giggling a little. God, this is so annoying.

"Well, the only seats available seem to be in the back of the aircraft, by the bathroom." Fuck. The last thing I want is to sit by the toilets, but I'm desperate here.

"That's fine." I pull out my wallet and pay for a new ticket. I hand her my credit card and she processes my ticket. As she hands me my card back, she hands me a sheet of paper along with it.

"There's my number, call me sometime." I try my best not to take this paper and shove it right up her pretentious ass.

I thank her and smile. I open the paper and she actually wrote her number on it. I rip it up and throw it in the trashcan. I feel kind of guilty for flirting with that woman to get me a seat on a plane. I'm sorry, Tessa, but that was for you.


Sitting in the back of the plane fucking sucks. It's even worse than I ever could've imagined. I have the middle seat, first of all. I am sandwiched between these two big guys who obviously didn't think anyone would buy the middle seat all the way in the back. I can smell the shit and piss coming from the airplane toilet, it's so pungent I almost want to throw up. It's super bumpy as well. This is a fucking nightmare. To make things better, we sit on the plane for at least 45 minutes before the plane starts moving. The pilot announces that we should be getting to Seattle around 9:30 PM PST. Six hours, Hardin. Just six hours.

Surprisingly, I manage to sleep for a good majority of the flight, only waking up when someone slammed the toilet door shut, or when the two gentlemen sitting next to me would knock my arms off the armrest. When we land, it takes me an extra thirty fucking minutes to get off the plane since I am all the way in the back. At least I don't have to wait at baggage claim. I power on my phone and notice I have a bunch of text messages from Tessa.

1:30: T: Meeting with Shannon went well :)

1:50: Missed Call from Tessa

1:53: T: Call me back when you can, I have to tell you something.

5:15: T: I'm seeing Karen tomorrow! She is going to help me bake Heather's birthday cake.

6:30: T: I'm tired zzzzz

7:00: T: You ok? Why aren't you answering?

7:05: Missed Call from Tessa x2

8:00 T: Watching a movie with my mother and Heather, missing you :)))

9:15: Goodnight xx

Great. Tessa is asleep at fucking 9 PM. Looks like I am going to have to take a taxi to her house. By the time I start trying to hail a taxi, it's already 10 PM. I decide to give Ken a call and see if I can crash with him tonight since Tessa is sleeping and I don't really want Carol to be the one who lets me in. Plus, the idea of surprising Tessa makes me a little excited. Ken tells me I can stay over at his place, and even offers to pick me up from the airport, but by the time he would get here it would be 11PM. Hailing a cab is easier any ways. I text Tessa:

H: Goodnight. My phone has been dead all day. I couldn't find my charger.

Hopefully she buys that lie.

T: You know I keep all the chargers in the small dresser beside our bed. Was it not there?

So she is awake.

H: Yeah, it fell under the bed. I didn't know you were up.

T: Well, I wanted to go to sleep, but Heather has been telling me stories for the past two hours and I didn't have the heart to tell her to stop.

H: Yikes. You 're too kind for your own good.

T: I guess I am. Well, now I am actually going to go to bed. Goodnight x

H: Sweet dreams.

I can't believe I am pulling this off. I know if I were to verbally talk on the phone with Tessa, she would probably sense something was up. Thank god for texting.

I make it to my dad's house and I am so exhausted. I quietly open the door and pad up to the guest room. I can barely keep myself awake to change into my pajamas, so I just fall asleep in my jeans and t-shirt.

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