Chapter 5: Tessa

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"Dinner was delicious, thank you for making it." I smile at Hardin as I change into my pajamas. Like always, he tosses me his worn shirt to put on. Slowly, I take off my top and jeans, leaving me in only a bra and panties.

"It's my pleasure." He smiles and undresses along with me, taking off his pants. I don't know how to describe it, but there is this weird tension between us. After that argument we had earlier, it still feels like things aren't fully resolved.

"Can I ask you something?" I sit down on the bed and cross my legs.


"We're okay, right?" I know I probably sound desperate and stupid, but I need to know if he feels the same way I do.

"Of course we are..." He pauses. "Why wouldn't we be?"

"It's nothing, I just feel like there is this tension or awkwardness between us."

"You feel awkward around me?" A frown appears on his face.

I answer truthfully. "Yes."

I look down at my fingers and begin to pick at my nails, one of my many nervous habits. Hardin notices and grabs my hands.

"I feel it too. Both of us are just distant from each other." I'm so surprised he is agreeing with me. Honestly, I thought he would have said I was crazy and nothing is wrong.

"It's not a bad thing, it's just strange... and a little uncomfortable."

Suddenly, he smirks.

"I think I know something that could help with that." He quickly grabs me by my arms and slides me underneath him, I let out a little giggle.

"What are you doing?" I ask, even though I obviously know what's about to happen.

"You said you feel uncomfortable and weird around me. Let me fix that."

Hardin is only centimeters from my lips. I can feel him smile as he brings his hands up my body. I lean in, ever so slightly, and slowly kiss him. Just like that, I'm plugged back in and electricity flows through my veins. The pace we are going at is slow and torturous, but very intimate. This is what Hardin and I need: to be intimate. I bring my hands to his hair and rake my fingers through. He really does need a haircut, but I kind of like his long hair. When I pull the strands, he moans into my mouth. God, if I could feel this feeling forever.

I decide to speed things up. I sit up and grab a hold of his shirt, raising it above his head and revealing his toned, tattooed torso that I love so much. He follows suit and does the same to me with my shirt. Hardin lays me back down and begins trailing kisses down my neck, to my chest, to my stomach. I try to be quiet, but I can't help the little moans that escape my mouth as he kisses those special places. Our lips reconnect and I can feel him getting hard for me. For some reason, we both smile as we kiss, our tongues lapping over each other in the most blissful way. It's like our mouths were made for each other-

A loud bang sounds from the living room. I swear I'm hearing things, but when I look up at Hardin, he stares back down at me and puts his finger to his lip. Slowly, he gets off the bed and throws on some sweatpants.

"Stay here and don't make a sound." He whispers and gives me the most serious face I've ever seen him wear. I nod and put my shirt back on.

Oh my god, could someone be in our house?

Hardin peaks his head outside the bedroom door and stalks into the living room. I feel like I'm going to vomit. I don't hear anything, like not a single noise for the longest time ever, but I know it's only been a couple minutes. He told me to stay in here, but if he doesn't come back soon I am going to look for him. I hear a loud crash, and immediately rush into the living room. When I get there, I see Hardin staring frantically at the floor. For a moment, he looks up at me, and I can tell he's mad I didn't stay in the room like he told me to. Right as I'm about to ask him what the hell is going on, a squirrel runs across the floor. He rushes across the room in an attempt to catch it, and I can't help but laugh. He grabs a broom out of the hall closet and almost flings the poor thing across the room. I run to the door, still laughing hysterically, and he ushers the squirrel out. I slam it shut and lean against it, slowly collapsing to the floor in laughter. I'm holding my stomach so hard, tears coming down my cheeks. He slides down next to me and joins me with small laughs. After five minutes, I am finally able to control myself. Hardin stands up and gets me a tissue to wipe my eyes with. I grab Hardin's hand that he has reached out to help me stand up.

"I don't think I've ever seen you laugh that hard."

"I don't know what was wrong with me! I just couldn't stop!" I smile back at him.

He looks out our front window to see if he can find the squirrel. "How the fuck did a squirrel get in here anyways?" I giggle.

"I don't know Hardin, maybe he just opened the door and walked in." That joke was so stupid, but Hardin still gives me a small smile as he rolls his eyes playfully.

"You're so funny, you know that?" He walks over to me and lifts me over his shoulder.

"Hardin, put me down!" I yell and flail my legs. Even though I scream and kick, I love when he does this.

"Oh, trust me, I'm gonna do a lot more than put you down." He slaps my butt, and I can't help but start giggling again as he carries me into the bedroom.

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