Chapter 4: Tessa

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"Tessa, you have to come! It's her birthday!" My mother yelled into the phone.

"I understand that, but you seem to forget I live on the other side of the country." She hated when I brought that up. I am still certain she isn't 100% happy with me being here, but she can't do anything about it now.

"Theresa, what did I tell you about mentioning that..." Ugh. Here we go.

"Mother, I know you-"

"Just really think about it and let me know so I can book your ticket. Heather really misses you, it's been so long since you've seen her!" She knew if she used Heather she could guilt me into coming. She's such a snake sometimes.

"Tell her I miss her too." It's true, I do miss her. She is like the little sister I never had and always wanted. I'm just not sure I am ready to go home. I don't want to leave Hardin for that long. I cannot survive a whole weekend with my mother and not have Hardin there to keep me calm. I know if I go, he won't go with me. I just really have to think about it.

"I'll let you know by this weekend, okay?"

"Yes, yes fine.. You will not believe who I ran into today at the store!" Just as she was about to tell me, I saw Hardin walking towards me.

"Can I call you back? Dinner is ready and I don't want it to get cold." I used that as an excuse.

"Theresa..." She scolded me.

"I'll call you back." I hung up on her.

It's crazy how after all this time being a full-blow adult living on the other side of the country, she still treats me like I'm a child. She expects me to drop my whole life and come at her beck and call. I love her, of course I love her, but she really needs to remember that I am capable of making my own decisions without her guilting me into any of them.

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