As I was putting all of the food on the table and wiping down the counters, I heard the front door slam open. I hurried to grab her coat and shoes. She reeked of alcohol and looked sad. I might get hurt for this or she might thank me so here goes nothing..

"You look sad auntie..What's wrong?" She looked at me and laughed. Her eyes looked dull and lifeless.
"My boyfriend cheated on me. I went to give him a present to surprise him but he surprised me by fucking my boss and best friend. I exposed all of them and they all got banned from social medias and fired. The sluts deserve it honestly though." I went over and opened my arms, not wanting to hug her without permission.

She smiled and hugged me. I felt something wet on my shirt and pat her back. After about twenty minutes of this, I helped her into bed and put up the food.

End of flashback

I rubbed my face and found it wet. Weird..I don't remember crying. Everything's fuzzy and I can't hear anything. After about five minutes everything starts to clear up but I still can't hear well. Luce is standing in front of me and the guy that hit me is gone.

"Are you okay Zero hunny? I've been trying to talk to you but you keep saying sorry." Oh I was saying that? Shit. I closed my mouth and got up. I walked over to my window and lit a cigarette.

Exhaling, I asked, "What happened to the boy that hit me? Because I want a piece of him. He not only made Ez cry but he made fun of the chunks of my back missing. Does he think I liked when they whipped me? Or chained me up? Or carved words on me?"

"He's getting...punished. I didn't know he did that though. If you want to talk I'm always open or I can get you a therapist. But what he did was not right. You're beautiful and can love anyone you want Zero."

"Alright..But is Ez out of my bathroom yet? I've gotta piss." Luce chuckled and shook his head.

"Not yet. But I think he'd like it if you joined." He winked and I felt my face get warm.

"идиот. But I've gotta pee so I'll do it. Try not to stare." I laughed as he blushed.

( Google translate was used! It means idiot.)

I grabbed one of my huge lavender colored hoodies and some panties that matched then walked into the bathroom. It smelled so good! Ez was sucking on a lollipop and had bubbles all around him. His face was still red with blotches on it but he seemed to have calmed down.

"Mind if I join you?" My voice must've startled him because he jumped up and all his stuff was showing, much to my delight. He turned red and shook his head yes. With that, I unclothed myself and slid in the tub on Ez.

I turned so my legs were either side of him and was practically sitting on his dick. It felt warm and nice between my bum..Ugh gotta stay on track.

"M'sorry he said those things because of me. You aren't anything he said. I've never willingly had sex with anyone. I've erm..played around with Xy and Luce but I really like them. I like you too even if I just met you.." I nuzzled into the crook of his neck and sighed.

I felt hands on my back and I tensed for a second. They were tracing the cuts and chunks. Not mocking them but understanding that they are there. I slowly pushed into the touch and squirmed a bit when Ez got to my tummy.

"It's not your fault. I also understand. I like both of them too! And I really like you too.." Awh he's all red and shy. Nothing sexual Zero! Stupid perverted brain!

"Mkay Ez. Do you want to match with me again or pick out some clothes from my closet?" Ez bit his lip and my dick went up. Fuck!

"Either is fine. What're you gonna wear?" He looked at me and wowowo. My heart exploded.

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