His hand found mine and intertwined our fingers.

'Brad.' I mumbled. 'I think we need to talk.'

He looked confused as he raised his eyebrows, suggesting he had no idea what we were going to talk about.

'About us.' I said quietly as his face turned to search mine.

'Okay.' He nodded as he traced patterns with his thumb over my hand. 'We can talk when we get back.'

I smiled giving him some reassurance as I wasn't sure what we would take from the conversation nor what would happen.

We both chatted until Anne returned to the car minutes later before we made our way back to the Simpson household.

As we pulled up in the drive a smile stretched across his face.

'Hone sweet home.' He cooed.

Anne grabbed his bags and made her way to the door to open it.

'Here.' I got out and grabbed his crutches before handing them to him as I helped him out.

'Are you okay love?' Anne panicked as she hurried to his side.

'I'm fine.' He chuckled, brushing off the fact he was struggling to use his crutches.

After a while of struggling he finally made it in the living room, flopping onto the sofa.

'Do you want anything to eat?' Anne asked as she sat next to him.

'Can we order pizza?' He asked her with puppy eyes.

I chuckled as I watched how much of a mummy's he could be when he's back home.

'You're such a child.' I chuckled after Anne gave into him causing him to fist bump the air.

'I can go and collect it if you want?' I offered.

'I can get it delivered love, it'll save you driving again.' She smiled.

'I need to go to the shop to grab a few things anyway.' I assured her.

After persuading Anne, also being begged by Brad to join me in the car I took off for the local supermarket.

As I drove along I felt a hand being placed on mine.

I turned to see Brad staring down at our hands before turning back to the road.

Pulling up at Morrison's I left Brad in the car as I wasn't waiting for him to hobble around.

I also needed some time to myself to think without his presence; or in fact anyone's presence.

Buying the essentials such as tampons, deodorant and face wipes, as well as a few snacks for later I made my way back to the car.

I peeped through the window to see Brad sat scrolling through his camera roll with a smile on his face. Suddenly I noticed it was photos of us.

Putting the bag in the backseat I then climbed into the drivers seat I turned to Brad and took a deep breath.

'Do you want to talk now?' He asked as though he was reading my mind.

I slowly nodded.

'I like what's going on between us, I enjoy every minute we spend together. As you can tell, I care so much about you.' I poured my heart as his hand held mine, tracing patterns over my skin in an effort to comfort me. 'I like you Brad.' I whispered.

Next thing I knew his hand was on my cheek as he drew me in for a kiss; our first one since our fight.

'I like you too Grace.' He said softly as he looked deep into my soul. 'I know we started this off as a no strings attached but I don't know how much longer I can pretend the feelings are none existent.'

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