17: Tendō and Extra Practice

Start from the beginning

"I'll ask them, if they're okay with it I'll add you."


With that, we arrived at the boy's gym and entered. "Yo, what up guys!" I greeted, and they all grinned back.

"Hey Kaz, thanks for coming." Shirabu offered a nod, a small smile on his face that made me grin even wider.

"Sure thing pretty boy!" I ruffled his hair, which made him both annoyed but he also blushed as he pushed me away.

"Seriously are you five?"

"Five is optimistic." Semi rolled his eyes.

"YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" I pounced on the third year, who yelped and tried to pry me off of him.

"Okay I take it back! You're not five, you're a feral animal!"


"WHAT IS ALL THE RACKET?! Oh, Kazane." Washijo sighed, walking back into the office right after he had seen us. The group dissolved in giggles at the coach's face.

Practice started with us stretching and going for a run around campus. Then we came back for serving, and receiving.

I set a bit when we did hitting lines, switching with Semi so I could spike some as well. Then we started with six on six, and I was on Semi's team. That included Taichi, Soekawa, Goshiki, and Yamagata.

We decided that Semi would be full time setter instead of us switching off because we would need more power if we wanted to win, which was fine with me.

Starting off strong, we scored two points before Ushiwaka came in and scored 6 points, then it was a back and forth for a while, neither side gaining too much or losing. In the end they won the first set, then we switched sides and played again.

This time we somehow won, so we has to play a third. "Hey Semi, let's switch it up." I said, catching his attention before he nodded.

"What did you have in mind?"

The game started with me in the front left position, and after the back and forth, at 5-6 us, I rotated to the back and it was my serve. "You got this Kaz!" Goshiki called as he stood at the net with Taichi and Semi.

Letting out a puff of air, I threw the ball in the air and did my approach, hitting it over the net. "I got it!" Akakura shouted, and got it up nicely as I got into position.

"Ushiwaka!" Shirabu said, tossing to the ace. He did his approach and spiked it, but Yamagata was there.

"Yeah!" He smirked as the ball went up almost perfectly. Semi and I shared a look as we switched places.

"Ooooooh, Kazzy's settin!" Tendō grinned as he watched. However, he hasn't expected what came next.

Goshiki was already in the air, poised and ready. Alrighty then, I thought as I tossed the ball at him. He hit it perfectly, landing square on the line. "What the?!" Shirabu and Tendō looked confused as we all crowded and cheered.

"Nice kill!"

"Beautiful toss Kaz!"

"Dude that was amazing!"

"Come on, we have a game to finish." I grinned, met with cheers as we got back in gear.

The next point, I went with Semi and he shot it off the block. Now it was 7-6 us, we were on a roll. However, Ushiwaka called a time out so we had time to talk to our teams.

"Listen up guys, we are taking this. Next to me they get it back over, just get the ball high. I don't care where it is, I'll handle it, yeah?"

"Sure thing Kazane." Yamagata nodded, Soekawa also agreeing before we went back to our positions. I winked at Taichi, letting him know to expect the ball.

After I served again, they sent it to Reon who tipped it over, which meant that I had to take it. Semi saw this so he took the second touch, setting Goshiki who hit a cross court shot since they were blocking his line after the last one.

Akakura managed to get it up, and Shirabu set Tendō in the middle. Taichi got a touch on it, making it more of a chance ball so Yamagata could get it more easily.

Making eye contact with Semi, we switched. My eyes were on the ball as I pretended to get ready for a right side set. However, I set Taichi a quick and he slammed it down. "YEAAAHHH!"

"Damn, that was actually pretty good." Reon muttered, Tendō nodding.

"Yeah, totally threw me off. I really thought she was gonna set SemiSemi again."

"I thought I told you not to call me that, Tendō." The dark tipped setter grumbled as we went back to our spots.

The whistle blew so I served, only for it to be out. "Aw sorry, my bad!"

"It's cool, shake it off!"

"Get the next one."

The rest of the match went back and forth. We ended up winning after Semi set me up for a back court attack since I had gotten first touch, and it landed eight on the end line. It was 29-27 and maaaaaaan was that an awesome game.

"Can't believe you beat us!" Tendō complained. It was lunch time so we had a break, and we were headed over to Student Resources to switch dorm assignments.

"Yeah, pretty spectacular huh?" I snickered as I shoved him playfully. "And the fact that you didn't managed to block me once-"

"DON'T EVEN REMIND ME!" The redhead cried in horror, dramatically putting the back of his palm to his head. "How can I live with myself?!"

"I don't know, how can you?" We giggled before Tendō spotted someone and waved. "Koji! What up muh man?"

"Hi Tendō." The male gave the redhead a disgusted look, which immediately made me dislike him. "So we're doing this? You're actually willing to switch with me?"

"Yeah of course, Tendō is the best." I wrapped my arm around his back affectionately. "Come on, let's do this."

"Yes please." Koji muttered, and so we headed inside and filled out the paperwork for the switch.

"There you are, it's all set. You can move into the new dorm whenever you're ready." The lady smiled at us.

"Um do you mind moving by Tuesday?" Koji asked, and an annoyed tick appeared on my forehead as I have him a sarcastic smile.

"Sure thing, dude."

"Eager to escape me, eh?" Tendō snickered, but I could also see hurt and annoyance behind it.

"Who wouldn't want to escape a humanoid lizard?" Koji scowled.


"You ever, ever say that again, it won't be just a slap next time." I growled lowly, a muderous aura surrounding me as his eyes widened. "Now scram."

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