"Yeah..." He yawned. "We did have a pretty rough day yesterday..."

"That's true."

The grass rustled behind them as someone else awoke and approached them, filling the air with a faint smell that resembled that of a wet dog.

"Morning." Jerome rubbed his eyes and yawned. His fur was messy and he still looked tired, yet full of energy at the same time.

"Morning, Jerome."

"Hey Jerome." Tyler gave him a small smile.

"Is the sun really only just now rising? Feels like I've been sleeping for days." Jerome remarked, noticing the faint outline of the sun in between the trees.

Sqaishey chuckled. "It does, doesn't it?"

Tyler chuckled. "Ah... even awake it felt like forever." He admitted.

"You can say that again," Jordan commented as he stirred awake and came over.

"Oh, hey Jordan." Jerome gave him a grin.

Still holding his injured arm, Tyler turned around to face Jordan. "Feeling any better?"

"Kind of. Just groggy." He replied, running a hand through his hair.

"Not hurt or anything?" Tyler asked.

"Uh..." He looked at his leg where Jerry was wrapped around. "If it is, I'm too tired to tell or Jerry's doing a great job." He replied. He looked up at Tyler and noticed his arm for the first time. "Dude! What happened?!"

"Oh yeah, that..." Jerome awkwardly responded.

Tyler gave a tired stare down at his arm before looking back at Jordan. "Ah... it's uh... it's a long story, I guess."

"Does it have to do with my leg? Cause that's kind of a blur too."

Jerome looked at Tyler. "You were the only one there..."

Tyler shifted uncomfortably before sighing. "The others left for a moment, I was in charge of watching you. It was fine until... until he showed up."

Sqaishey listened quietly.

Jordan watched him seeming to know immediately what was implied. "He did this?"

Tyler silently nodded.

"No wonder..." He muttered.

Sqaishey spoke up. "I came running in and helped fight him off." She explained. "You were completely out though."

"Yeah. I thought I could protect you on my own but. I was wrong... I'm sorry..." Tyler looked down.

"It's okay, Tyler. It wasn't fatal so you did pretty good." He smiled at him.

"I didn't land a scratch on him though! I barely fought the guy!"

"But you defended me when I couldn't. So thank you."

"Ah... no problem..." Tyler was still frowning.

Jordan gave a small sigh when he didn't cheer up a little and glanced over at Mitch. "Seems he's more tired than the rest of us."

"Don't worry he's always like this." Jerome chuckled, walking over to Mitch. "Either wakes up at the crack of dawn or noon." He walked over to Mitch and lightly nudged him with his foot.

"Mmm...?" Mitch grumbled and slowly opened his eyes. "Whaddya want?"

"Wake up sleepyhead." Jerome laughed.

"Five more minutes..." Mitch closed his eyes, resulting in a more forceful kick to the leg.

"Dude, come on."

The Lost Ones Book 2: Welcome HomeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin