Chapter 1

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My name is Elizabeth Wilson, and this is my story.....

My last year in middle school and then I am off to high school, yay!

I am definitely not a morning person, but surprisingly I woke up earlier than usual. It was seven in the morning, and yes, I know... pathetic!

I got dressed like I always dress, jeans, t-shirt, sneakers, and a jacket. I brush my teeth and then put my hair in a bun.... as always! I truly don't think I've changed one bit over the summer!

I race downstairs to see no one up... hm... I guess my parents went to work already.

I go to the kitchen, and I see a note on the kitchen table. I saunter over to the note which said, 'Lizzy, your dad and I went on a business trip, and we won't be home until the end of the week. We put money by your house key so you can go get pizza with your friends or shop. Have a fun day on the first day of school, and please stay out of trouble. Your mom and dad, love you.'

Well, looks like I'm on my own. Thank goodness we only have school for two more days until the weekend, yet it is so stupid, too. I mean seriously, why do we have school embark on a Thursday and then get out for the weekend. Might as well as start on Monday! Although, then again, my school is stupid and a joke.

I notice its quarter to eight and I begin walking out the front door with a backpack filled with extraneous junk. Half of it is what we never use for the whole year, but I despise losing points for stupid laziness. 'Just bite the bullet Liz' my conscious, Bitch, tells me.

Ok, so your probably wondering why I call my conscious Bitch. Well, in a nutshell, she is a bitch! So, don't judge me or her.

I reach my destination, school, at eight which means I have a half an hour to kill. I pop in some earbuds and blast some music.

Twenty minutes after listening to music by the entrance door, I see my three best friends coming to school at the same time. One came from the car, and the other two walked on the opposite sides of the street to meet at our meeting place every year. Once they all saw each other and me, they ran up to the school, engulfing me into multiple bear hugs, and interogating me.

"Omg! I haven't seen you all summer. I've missed you so much!" said Hailey.

"I thought you were dead, where have you been?" asked Molly inquisitively.

"You never hung out with us this whole summer, do you hate us?" Shaylinn asked in a hurt tone.

"Woah! woah! woah! WOAH! Hold the phone right there! First, I've missed you too Hailey. Second, no I am not dead. And third, I'm sorry for not hanging out with you guys, but you know I have gymnastics and I helped my coach with little gymnasts the whole time."

"Shit, of course you do," Molly hissed out.

Jeez, looks like Molly is on her period! I swear, she has not changed one bit. Still always cursing up a storm!

Then, a teacher held the entrance door for us to enter where we will soon sit through a welcome back speech in every class that I detested very much! Here goes nothing, the last year before moving out of this small town...

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