Chapter 3: A Party & New Friends.

Start from the beginning

"Tou-chan, arigatōgozaimashita" I clap my hands before eating. I think that's been the hardest habit to get into, thanking for having food. I just want to eat straight away.

"You have 30 minutes to eat all that up before guest arrive. You need to be standing with us at the front of the door to greet everyone." Kissing my forehead again he runs off to help prepare something.

Kicking my feet I much on my food savoring the taste. But all I want is the dango I can smell. I know it closes behind me and maybe I can sneak some in without anybody noticing me. I push my buzz out gently and it bounces back telling me there's one person about two meters to my left, but facing away. Kaa-chan is still at the door, slightly facing towards me. Tou-chan and two other people are in what I think is the kitchen and the last person is at the bar.  Slowly spinning my self to face the table, I push my buzz out again to double-check that I'm clear to go. Jumping softly from my seat, I walk quietly towards the table with my left hand slightly out in front of me. Lightly bumping into the table I slid my hand underneath and walk down using it as a guide until where I smell the dango the strongest. Reaching out to feel for a pointy stick, a sharp jab hits my thumb. Pitching the stick I lift up the dango.

"Mizuki-chan!" someone shouts, "you should of waited for someone to help you" the stranger carries on sounding patronising. "you can't just leave your seat when no one is watching. Something could've happened." They ruffley grab my hand and put me back in to the seat " now what do you have to say for yourself?" who the hell does this person think they are?

"I'm blind. Not incapable of walking and finding my way around." I shot back.

"Anzu-san? What is going on here" ah tou-chan's here.

"Mizuki-chan here, left her seat and went to go help herself to Dango." She complained.

"And did she find the Dango?" he inquired.

"yes, when I got over to her, she already had one in her hand." She sounded annoyed. "I only looked away for a small moment and then she was by the dango."

I felt tou-chan's buzz, just buzz a bit faster as I felt him turn towards me. "Mizuki-chan, how did you know where the dango was?" is this a trick question.

"It's dango tou-chan, I could find it in my sleep" I quipped. His buzz went flat. "I followed my nose. I could smell it behind me." He buzzed even harder. It felt excited.

"Wow Mizuki-chan do you know where anything else is?" pushing my buzz out softly sending out a signal, it replied back to me fast that the last two times.

"Kaa-chan is still by the door, she feels nervous and twitchy, there's a man behind the bar, he feels bored. There's two people in the kitchen that you were with earlier; they feel like they are panicking. And the person next to you, was two meters away from me facing away, before I went to go get dango" I recited that bit because she annoyed me and, if she was meant to keep watch she did a bad job, she didn't even introduce herself. 

"Anzu-san, did you not introduce yourself to Mizuki-chan?" ah, tou-chan sounds annoyed "I think you can leave for the day. And don't expect to come over to the house tomorrow, you don't have the job." anzu-san spiked in anger.

"You're going to believe you blind daughter, to tell you where I was?" oh don't pull my blindness in you capability to introduce yourself. " and I did introduce myself, she just didn't hear me." Woah, b.ach.

"I'm blind. Not death. My hearing over works, there's no way I didn't hear you!" I shot back.

"Shut up! You little brat!" she screamed. Quickly covering my ears from the high pitch note.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2020 ⏰

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