Chapter thirteen - home sweet home

Start from the beginning

The next day, I arrive at school in my beat up car and people stare as I walk inside of the school.
Randy approaches me at my locker
"Hey Vicky" he smirks at me
"What did I say about saying that? Randall" I snap
"Come on, I'm just joking around... No need to take it so seriously..."
I relax "sorry, I'm stressed out this morning... What's up?"
"I was just coming to say welcome back"
Then I remembered what Alex said "I hear you've been saying things about me..."
His smirk drops and he looks away from me "yeah... About that... I guess someone asked me about the party and it slipped out I guess"
"Well, I'm not very happy about that"
He smirks at me "come on, I was just having some harmless fun... I was trying to see if people would fall for it, which they did... But it was true anyway... We had a good time" he winks at me and moves closer, making me flush.
After what they boys did to me, I can't seem to function properly so being this close to Randy makes the heat between my legs grow.
I close my eyes and open them again and he is closer this time, close enough to kiss me.
I take in the scent of him and, though it is sweet and musky, it can't beat the smell that radiated from the twins.
"Why are you so close to me?" I ask in a low register
I look around and the halls are almost empty of people. I then see the boys start to walk down the hall and I move away from Randy
"Well. It was nice talking to you..." I say and close my locker door "...but I gotta get to class now"
As I turn to walk away he speaks "wait! We are in the same class remember? I can walk with you"
Shit! "Um... Sure" I say
I glance back once more and the boys are following closely behind us as we walk to class.
"So, I was thinking... Maybe you'd like to go see a movie later after school?" Randy asks as we walk to class
"Um... Are you asking me on a date?"
"It's just a movie... But if you see it that way then sure"
"Um..." I don't know whether to accept or deny... If I deny, he will keep coming back to me and asking, but if I accept, I can get him off of my back quicker "... Yeah sure... Sounds like fun... Straight after school?"
"Yeah... I will meet you at the movies after school" he says as we walk into the classroom and separate to our usual spots.
The boys walk into the room and sit with Randy... Obviously quizzing Randy about me in hushed tones.

On my way to meet Kayla and Alex in the cafeteria at lunch, I am pulled to the side into an empty classroom that has the blinds closed.
I am then facing Julian and Christian is behind me.
"What was that?" Julian says through gritted teeth
"What do you mean?" I ask, acting innocent
"You're going on a date with Randy?" Christian asks, his tone gruff, yet calmer than Julian's.
"Who gave you two permission to have an opinion on who I decide to go on a date with? I don't need your opinion"
"We're just looking out for you" Christian whispers in my ear from behind me which makes me shiver. I felt him smile against my ear as he figured out what affect he was having on me.
Why were they suddenly having this affect on me? Since that night in New York and they both had their way with me, but left me hanging on the edge. Maybe it is because they did leave me hanging on edge without bringing me back up again or letting me reach my climax which I had done so many times before with some of the toys which I hid in my room.
"Can I go to lunch now?" I ask as silence dawns the room
Both of their heads snap up and look at me
Christian moves back and allows me to leave, however, his hand collided with my ass as I walk out of the room.

"Vic!" I hear Alex shout me from the far end of the hallway.
"Alex!" I shout back as he approaches me and pulls me into an embrace
He pulls me away and looks at me from arms length away "you look a little flustered... What have you been up to?" He wiggles his eyebrows at me
"Ew! No... I've not been doing anything" I could feel myself turning red again
"Your tomato face says it all... You have that look on your face as if you've got sexually frustrated written on your forehead"
"Okay... Fine, since the whole... Randy thing, I've been having these urges... That are more pronounced than before... And I guess trying to pleasure myself isn't cutting it" I look down to hide my lie
He chuckles "looks like someone needs to get laid"
"Yeah, I guess so huh?"
We walk to the cafeteria and sit down with Kayla
"Hey girl" she says and Alex gives her a peck on the cheek
"Hey" I reply
"My my... Don't you look like you've just had a good time" she says
"I haven't done anything with anyone" I reply, feeling a slight blush cover my cheeks
"You're lying Vic... Don't lie to us. Who's ass are you squeezing?"
"Shut up... I'm not squeezing anyone's ass..."
She gave me a knowing look as if to say 'tell me later'
"So... I hear you're going on a date with Randy" she says. Changing the subject ever so slightly
I look down "we're just going to see a movie... No biggy"
"Ooh... So it is a date huh?"
"I guess so"

My stepbrothers and I (#1) - Editing Where stories live. Discover now