Chapter fifteen - through their eyes

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A/N: Right... so I have decided to do this chapter as a third person chapter. It is just to give you an idea of what everyone is thinking and some insight into the boys and also Randy.

It would have taken longer to do individual Points of View and this is easier.

Hope you like this... I'm not used to doing third person stuff, so bear with me and everything should be as normal soon... also, I had already published this, however, I have changed this chapter to make it longer and make it a little more entertaining...


"Tori!" Christian and Julian both shout as they see her fall to the floor after Julian screeches to a halt as the gun sounds.

Both boys run to her side and try to help her but she has stopped breathing.

"Call for an ambulance" Julian shouts at his brother who then fumbles for his phone while Julian holds her up.

Seeing her lifeless body there, flowing with blood, Julian's first aid training kicks in.

He places her in a comfortable position and applies pressure to the wound until the ambulance arrives.

"You go on in the car and I'll go with her" Julian says to his brother

Christian, reluctantly agrees with his brother and goes to the car.

"Excuse me, you're her brothers?" the ambulance paramedic asks and eyes up the boys as Christian gets into the car and Julian walks with them to the ambulance.

"Yes... we were just taking a drive and saw her" Julian explains.

The ambulance ride takes a while. Julian watches as the paramedic manages to stop the bleeding and hooks her up to a machine which helps her breathe to circulate the blood through her system.

"How is she holding up?" a doctor asks the paramedic as the ambulance doors open at the hospital and they all clamber out to get her out.

Julian waits to the side as the paramedic talks to the doctor and they cart his stepsister through the hospital.

Julian waits patiently for his brother to arrive and when Chris does, so does her father and their mother.

"Julian! What happened? Is she okay?" asks George

"She's in bad shape. We were driving and saw her and then she got shot out of nowhere"

"Why was she walking around?"

"I don't know"

"I rang Alex and Randy. They're on their way here now and Kayla is too." Christian says to his brother.

"Okay, I'll ring her mother" George says

"Maybe Lily will want to know... she was here the other day, maybe she still is?" Christian asks "I know those two became reasonably close?"

"Right... I will be sure to let her know too" George replies

Randy rushes himself to get to the hospital as he fears the worst.

"Jules! Chris!" he shouts as he sees them at the hospital

"You... talk now" Julian and Christian both say at the same time and take him to one side.

"Why was she walking?" Julian asks Randy

Randy looks down and sighs "I didn't mean for this to happen... she got me mad and I didn't want to do anything I would have regret. But I regret this even more. I told her to get out of the car... and then..." his voice turns down a little "... I drove off... leaving her there to walk"

My stepbrothers and I (#1) - Editing Where stories live. Discover now