2. Ordinary Day

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I hope you don't mind the informal writing style hehe

Words enclosed in these *insert word* also in bold are actions, example: *walks*

So, earlier this morning, I kinda hurt my boyfriend a little. But it's totally his fault!

And here what happens.

I'm not really a morning person, you know. Whatever you do, it'll never change the fact that I hate mornings. I'm like, more active at night! So expect me to be sleeping like a baby in my bed while others are busy preparing for school.

So my mother would have to wake me up the hard way. Sometimes she would splash me water, wrestle me, threw me into the tub and even scaring me with toy spiders! Sometimes, my father does the work with the same methods and then my brother. They really don't get tired of doing the same thing over and over again everyday. What can I say? They love me.

And this time, my dearest boyfriend gets to do the job. He really did well earlier but he suffered in return.

His method is really different from the usuals so I kind of got surprised by it. I didn't even know that he'll be waking me up this morning! He just practically barge into my room with, of course, with my father's permission, otherwise he'll be killed by him. Over protective much? Nah, just right. He's just playing it safe.

So, when he barged into my room which is quite messy, he found me sleeping on the floor. How did I got there? Simple, I fell from my bed and I didn't bother to get up and go back to my bed because the floor is fine, as long as I'm in my room. I'm really secured here, especially from spiders.

And that's when he did that.

He crouched to my position and started tickling me! My body is really ticklish, especially when I'm laughing. And you know that involuntary movement you do when you're being tickled? That's what I call a defense mechanism because I practically throw punches and kicks, regardless of the situation and person, just to stop the annoying sensation and feeling! So I'm kind of dangerous when being tickled and Killua doesn't know about that!

And when he tickled me, my feet kind of flew to his... private part and he rolled to the floor with groans that totally woke me up. I was like, "Oh my goodness, Killua what happened to you?!" 👈that's me pretending to not know what I've done 'cause I'm really guilty. What if his... ... 'fertility?' is affected and then we can't have babies after we get married?! That would be very sad!

Poor onichinchin.

But I was kind of relieved when I heard this, "You kind of kicked me... you know where but... I'm fine." he managed to say that through the wincing. But I'm kind of still worried because he doesn't look fine to me with those anime tears and constant rolling on my floor so I asked once more, "Are you sure?"

And he answered, "Want to ensure? *anime tears and rolling stopped then looked at me with a smirk* A kiss on the lips will surely sure-sure make the pain go away." and I was like, "Nu uh. Enjoy the pain. *walks away while waving* Bye!" and he was like, "Come on, we've been together for about a year now and yet, I haven't got a single kiss on the lips."


What can I say? I'm not ready yet! So I just give him kisses on the cheeks and sometimes on the forehead and that should be enough and he should be thankful. It's better than nothing!

This is what I've responded to him, "Maybe, later." and he like, jumped in excitement totally fine like I just did not kick his balls. I was like, "So you're faking it the whole time?" and he answered, "I wouldn't do that if you've given me the kiss I wanted all these days." I just ignored him though and went over to my bathroom.

Then he said something that really made my heart skip a beat, "Just so you know, it's already 7:53. Might want to hurry up." My eyes widened and I almost chocked on the water I'm gargling. Classes starts in 8:00 am, sharp and never in my life, I'm late. Quite ironic, don't you think? I'm a sleepy head that hates morning and yet I never get to school late!

But I made sure first that he's telling the truth and it's not just some prank so I looked over my wall clock and shit, it really is! I was like, "Get out, I'll change in a minute." and he was like. "Go on. *sits in the chair and crosses legs then arms with a smirk* I really don't mind watching." But I did not let him so I kicked him out of my room, saying, "Get lost, you pervert!"

And little did I know, he tampered the clock in my room before tickling me. I've just realized that when I checked the time downstairs. I really got mad and said, "You're totally not gonna receive the kiss you've been wanting. In fact, no kisses for today!" and he was like, "Aww, come on, your mother said that you're needed to be woken up so I did that. I'm just doing my job."

Turns out, I can't keep what I said earlier that day because during lunch break, I gave him the kiss. Yes, the kiss on the lips.

Here's what happened.

As usual, we met up in our special meeting place under the fire tree. But unfortunately, the fire tree died because it got struck by a lighting during a storm back when we were on 9th grade. So we thought that we'd plant a replacement and the school totally approves that. The new fire tree was about Killua's height so you can't really say that we'll be meeting under the fire tree because it's not tall enough yet so it's more appropriate to say that we'll be meeting beside the fire tree.

Anyways, while we were having lunch, Killua was kind of quiet and I quickly figured out why so this is what I did.

I started off with a question, "So do you taste your cooking, wondering if it's good or not?" and he was like, "No, why?" see what I've told you? He would usually elaborate but he just answered me a no! "Then here, taste it." I said, my chopsticks in front of his pursed lips. And even how hard I tried to convince him to take a bite, he won't open his mouth and just shook his head. Then I said this, "I might give you the kiss." And as foreseen, he immediately opened his mouth and devoured the food. I just smiled at this.

When he finally swallowed, he quickly said, "I'm ready, now gimme!" so I gave him what he wanted. I started by putting a hand on his cheek and bringing it close to my face. But before I did anything else, I first said, "Be grateful. You're my first." then he was like, "*smirk* Truly honored." and then I leaned in. His soft lips met mine. At first I was in control but he doesn't seem to like my slow and very passionate way so he took control and it was a bit aggressive that you could really feel the longing. All in all, it ended passionately.

"That was amazing." Killua murmured, rather seductively and I knew what the look in his face just meant. After a moment of catching our breath, he leaned in and caught my lips in his dominance once again. And I just let him because I kind of liking this kiss on the lips. Unlike earlier, this kiss was more passionate and gentle that you could really feel the affection.

So yeah, I kissed Killua Zoldyck on the lips!

And now I'm heading home. I can't walk home with him because he got soccer practice. And I really thought the day would end up great, guess I'm wrong because it just started to rain and I don't have any umbrella with me. So I ended up waiting for the rain to subside in my classroom.

Then this happened.

"You forgot to bring your umbrella, didn't you?" I heard an utterly familiar voice by the door and without even looking, I already knew who it was. "You're so hopeless." he added. I've just decided to stay silent. With a smile, I got up from my seat and walked over to him.

"So soccer practice got canceled?" I asked and he answered, "Obviously, it's raining you know. *turns around, back facing me* Now, let's get you home."

Turns out, the day ended up great after all, unlike what I was thinking earlier.

"How did you know I was in the classroom?" I asked and he answered, "Hn, beats me. Probably my boyfriend's instinct."

Ah, just an ordinary day.

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