10: "Goldilocks."

Start from the beginning

"I'm not with her." I try to explain. "We just... well, we fuck every once and awhile. That's honestly it."

Her lips press together in a firm line before she lets out a loud breath. "Oh." She says. I can't help but wonder if she's thinking of what it would be like if she were the one sleeping with me. "Cool."

Before I can say anything more, the cars start beeping outside, which causes everyone to come back from the kitchen into the hallway. "Grab your partners!" Cameron shouts.

Leila makes a beeline towards me, but before I even realize what I'm doing I step over towards Elena and slink down onto the wall beside her. I can tell that Leila is hurt because she widens her eyes before she steps back. Cameron takes the opportunity though and snakes his arm around her waist. I don't care if he fucks her. It's not like she's special to me.

Why did I choose to partner up with Elena? I could have easily chosen Leila and could have been guaranteed to have sex tonight, but it was the look on Elena's face when she thought I was with Leila. It's a look I almost can't refuse.

"Wow." She smirks, clearly amused. "I feel like the luckiest kid in gym class."

As we all begin to pile out into the different ubers, I hold the door open so that she'll step ahead of me. I don't want her to see me laugh from her stupid - but somewhat funny - joke. She may have a smart mouth, but she's certainly got a nice ass.


"So, this is our first stop." Cameron announces as we walk into a restaurant. I haven't been to this place before, but it seems to be some kind of burger joint. I can smell the grease. There's neon signs everywhere with bright teal paint plastered on the walls.

"For this challenge, each team must get a Harvey's Biggie Burger and finish it within twenty minutes." He grins. "After all, we need to have full stomachs before we get wasted, right?"

"Um, what if we're vegetarian?" Leila asks.

Elena snorts beside me, and I nudge her with my elbow so that I don't laugh too.

"I guess I'll be the one eating it then for our team." He smirks. "Alright guys, let's eat!"

After we place our order in, Cameron goes up to play a song on the jukebox. Elena and I take a seat at the bar away from everyone else as they all order a drink of some sort.

"I can easily win this challenge." Elena says with confidence. She straightens her back and puffs her chest out like she's some big wrestler getting ready for a match.

"You?" I laugh. "Where are you going to put it?"

I let my eyes rake over her body and appreciate how toned she is. I like the way her jeans hug her hips and how she's so short that her legs don't touch the ground while she's on the barstool. They're just swaying back and forth.

"Don't let this body fool you." She shakes her head and pats her stomach. "This baby can pack it in."

"Oh, really?" I question. "I guess we'll have to wait and see then, won't we?"
The burger lands in front of us and it's fucking huge. It's gotta be at least four pounds. I feel myself get nauseous just looking at it.

"Alright everyone!" Cameron grins, pulling up the timer on his phone. "Three...two...one...go!"

I'm taken aback by how quickly Elena lunges for the burger. She completely dives into it, taking off the bun and going for the patty first. She's not even using silverware. Just her hands.

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