Chapter 19

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A steady beeping woke me, and I tried to sit up but was quickly pulled back down.  I blinked awake and saw Itachi looking down at me with concern.  I searched his eyes.  "Chihiro?"

He nodded and kissed my hand.  "Shaken up, but safe."

I didn't break my gaze.  "Madara?"

He grimaced.  "He... got away... before he hit the ground, he was gone."

I sighed.  "Figured it wouldn't be that easy, but hopefully, he'll be sleep for sometime before he can come again."  He sighed and nodded.  "I'm sorry, Itachi.  This is all because of me."

He smiled softly.  "You did nothing wrong."

I looked around for the beeping sound and saw the monitor.  "Has my heart been acting up?"  He shook his head, and I quickly pulled at the wires before he could stop me.  The beeping became a steady hum, and I sighed.  "Just can't win..."

Nurses rushed in and calmed when they saw me awake.  "Lady Kunoichi... Lady Tsunade said..."

I nodded.  "Tell her I did it, and I refuse to have it put back on."

The lead nurse smiled softly.  "It's good to have you back... I'll begin on your discharge, I'm sure we can only keep you here so long."

I smiled back, and they left.  "Even the nurses are nicer."

Itachi shook his head in dismay.  "Lady Tsunade said that you pushed yourself too far..."

I nodded.  "She's right.  I released a lot of chakra, but it had to be done."

He pulled my hair.  "You weren't alone..."

I frowned at him.  "He would've killed you all.  I couldn't live with that."

He sighed, looking at his hands.  "How strong is he?"

I sat up and pulled his chin up so he could look at me.  "Honestly? I don't know, but I can tell you that he's strong.  You can't tell me you didn't feel it after he dropped the whole Tobi thing."  He nodded.  "I can tell you this, though.  What he has planned... it will end the world as we know it."

I saw shock flash through his eyes.  "Itachi, I need Pein... we need to delay this for as long as possible."

He turned his head and kissed my hand again.  "I won't leave you."

I shook my head.  "You don't have to..."  He looked at me curiously.  "Get me out of this hospital, and I can get the message to him."

As I finished speaking, Tsunade strode in.  "Alright, Uchiha, scram."

He rose, and I smiled at her.  "Well, hello there... we really need to work on our reunions."

She glared at me.  "What you did was reckless."

I tilted my head.  "What I did may have kept your nin out of danger, but I won't deny the reckless part."

She sighed and gestured for me to lay down.  As she began her assessment, she looked at me.  "Seems whatever happened, it didn't do much damage, but your chakra network..."  I waited for her to finish.  "I can't say it is worse, but it is different."

I sat up as she pulled her hands away.  "My chakra had to find a way out."  I watched her expression.  "When I can't control my emotions, most notably my anger, it tends to leak out in waves."

She thought for a moment.  "But then..."

I shrugged.  "I don't know where it comes from... I can tell you that even I didn't know I had that much chakra stored.  When I went after the Sound Village...  it was unreal, just being within a certain distance meant being torn to shreds, and I was at the epicenter."

She began to piece things together.  "So... you destroyed yourself."

I nodded.  "I'll admit... a few of those nin got me, but most of the damage I caused myself."

She looked perplexed.  "This extent of damage, no one possesses that amount of chakra."

I studied her face.  "One would think."

She was deep in thought.  "How long has this been happening?"

I thought for a moment.  "The first time I can remember... I was eight... I or we at the time were abducted."

She frowned.  "You were in distress..."

I looked out of the window.  "It's the greatest fear I've known... in this life, at least."

"Look at me, Kunoichi, I want you to hear me out before you respond."  I arched a brow at her.  "If there is any way to fix this... I need to see... to do that well..."

I looked at my hands.  "I would have to remain here."  She remained silent as I thought about it.  "Compromise..."  She nodded as I looked back at her.  "I'll finish this month, then go where I feel I must... then I'll return so you can do what you can."

She blinked.  "You would go into the world knowing you are not as... capable as you once were?  Especially after what just happened?"

I smiled softly.  "If I am to reach my full potential, even surpass that... I must.  I'm not a scared child waiting for someone to fix or rescue me.  I've never been that girl, even now with the odds against me... I can't be."

She nodded, understanding clear in her eyes.  "Just be sure to come back in one piece... though I'm sure no one would object to helping you if you lose a few."

I laughed.  "The benefit of being so well connected."  She nodded and got up to leave.

She smiled sadly as she opened the door.  "Just remember you have a home here... no strings attached, okay kid."  I blinked in surprise.  "I know what happened before... I won't make the same mistake."

I smiled at her.  "Thank you, Lady Tsunade." This feeling...

Kurama smirked at me.  Seems the old lady is growing on you...

I glared at him.  What's that supposed to mean, fox?

He chuckled.  In all the time I've been with you, other than when you first started traveling... you never considered staying anywhere.

I scowled at him.  I didn't say I was...

He wrapped himself in his tails.  You didn't say you wouldn't either...

I puffed my cheeks.  You're not being clear...

He watched me intently.  Okay... would you, after all these years, consider settling here?

I blinked at his question.  I... I don't know...  I glowered at him as he began to chuckle before falling off to sleep.  Would I?

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