C H A P T E R | O N E

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Phantom Minds © Livesta

Dedicated to Akshaya, because she is the first friend I made on wattpad :D
Also, picture of Gael on the side bar.

Ten years prior, when her father asked Nora what was her choice of career, she had grinned ear-to-ear and proudly said, "A soccer player." Her mother had looked strangely and laughed at her. Even today, her laugh echoes in Nora's ears.

However, this July, when she received an acceptance letter from the Kingsburg Law School, her mother gave a bone-crushing hug and bawled out of happiness for hours. If Nora had gathered those tears, it would've been sufficient to water their whole lawn.

Change of mind didn't seem bad, after all.

Perhaps, her mother had a reason to be overwhelmed, because she was chosen by one of the best law schools in the country. It was a shocker for Nora herself. She wondered, how the board had decided to select a candidate as pathetic as her. Her scores weren't any mind-blowing except for Economics. That one was a massive shot with an A+. Still, she was undeserving to attend such a reputed college just by a chance of luck.

"Ma, don't." Nora grumbled, dumping her bags on the floor. The dirt that flew from the ground scratched Nora's throat. Her mother plopped on the bed, which creaked at her weight.

Sniffling, she rubbed the corner of her eyes with a tissue. She inhaled a sharp breath to calm herself, but that didn't do her any good. Because, she started gasping. Rapidly.

Nora knew what that meant. She hurried next to her mother and dug her purse. Pulling out an inhaler, she put them to her lips. A few girls were passing by the door, who gave weird glances at her mother. Nora paced and slammed the door on their face.

She plopped next to her mother. The light wrinkles under her eyes added as she forced a smile. She knew that smile. "I told you I was fine on my own. Did you expect the dorms to be crisp and clean?"

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to say a proper goodbye." Her Indian accent played along with her American.

"This isn't a goodbye. I'll come by every month and we'll cook together, watch a movie, sing karaoke... and uh... visit Dad. Only, if you promise me to take care of yourself."

"I promise." Her mother leaned to leave a peck on her forehead.

"I know you don't like to be alone." Nora's tone was much softer now. "Don't let your motherly instincts stop you from calling me ok? I'm just two hours away from you."

Her mother smiled and nodded. "I'll miss you." A tear left her eyes.

"I'll miss you too." Nora pulled her into a hug.

"Do you need help to sort your stuff?" Her mother pointed at her luggage.

"I told you, I'm fine on my own." Nora put an arm around her mother and leaned on her shoulder. How was she going to survive without her? Nora needed her mother as much as she needed Nora. It was by supporting each other that they had made it so far. How would her mother cope now? Worry crept her insides. For the millionth time she wished her father would be present to take care of her during her absence. But, it was too much to ask.

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