Velocity 4. Conference

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When mixing things up are seen as bad

Then you zone and put similar things together

And put differents faraway with barriers

Making it hard and almost impossible for them to connect

And then you ask why people do not come

And then you ask why the ecology is destroyed

Why is there so much congestion

Why people feel alone and isolated

Why there so little physical activity

Why it becomes so expensive to live

The answer is just there out in the open

But people are blind

They refuse to see it

They refuse to acknowledge it

They refuse to face it

All because it is difficult

It is difficult to fight it

Fighting the belief that they worship

And so they continue

Continue what have been done before

Although what has been done is destroying them

They defend it with all their might

Fuhi and Lwei have just finished their work. They then got out from their office and then walked onto the queue that will take them to their "Line Car"

Some hundred thousand workers in the same gigantic building did the same thing. They all walked from their work unit to the exit doors, which for the furthest worker may even take 45 minutes as they go to the workplace maze and dodging the desks and tools.

At the doors, they formed a huge long queue for the line car. Its the transport car that will take the workers to the car forest where the cars are stored. Its size is smaller than their usual car but it can be made with compartments, with the longest having 5 compartments. It has the unique wheel and track that allows it to travel vertically and on the ceilings if needed. The inside.also has ladders on the ceiling and chest belted seats that you see on rollercoasters. The speed was limited to 50 km/h and on rush hour time, you can see these caterpillar cars running around moving people and after.that being used as a goods transporter after the seats are removed.

The doors are its side and moved up for human or goods to move in and out. But. It is still powered by fossil fuel. This is why the ventilation  of the building was so good. So many vacuum exhaust and inhaust are installed in closed areas and the layout of the building has many open areas so that the engine exhaust immediately goes out. But for some very sensitive people, that isnt enough and they carry masks with filters. Some even carry oxygen masks and tubes. Thankfully the workplace has good airconditioning with filters so they can get clean air.

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