Observations, and Other Such Things

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Lionel paced the area around Hellaya's chambers. It was still morning, yet Lionel still wished for the day to be over. He supposed he could thank his father for that. Lionel had sensed that his father was angry, last night, but he had now idea why. That was, until this morning. Lionel had woken up to his father glowering over him and then had been promptly yelled at.

"What in Heaven's name is wrong with you? A beautiful girl, and that's it? You're in love? You forget how to behave? You were much too inquisitive last night, the portrait of courtly disgrace! You know I want Loré for mysel-"

Lionel had shivered at that last sentence. You know I want Loré for myself. That was what his father had almost said. Almost. Upon viewing Lionel's reaction, however, his father steered back to Hellaya.

"You are much too infatuated with Lady Afaelen! She is sure to have a long list of suitors already! She certainly wouldn't need you. I doubt she even wants you!"

His father had been even worse when Lionel had told him that he was to see Hellaya after breakfast.

Now Lionel was here, waiting for the Lady of Loré. He remembered tripping over his feet when he saw her at breakfast today. He couldn't help himself.

The sound of a door opening jarred him out of his thoughts. Hellaya gave him another small smile as she stepped out. She was wearing the same dress she'd worn at breakfast today, an elegant green number that did miracles for showing off the olive undertones of her golden skin. He felt her eyes fix on his face, her smile faded.

"How did you find your way up to my rooms?" she asked, her voice deadly quiet.

Lionel was surprised, "Why, I asked a servant to show me the way of course."

"And you couldn't have done that to find your way to the Dining Room?"

She was sharp, then. Sharp and smart. Everyone at breakfast had bought his excuse. Not Lady Afaelen."Lady Afaelen, I-"

"Hellaya is fine. Tell me why you lied to the King of Loré. Now."

It was not a question. It was an order, straightforward and direct. Hard. "My father and I had slept well into the morning. It would be embarrassing to admit that I'd overslept." Oh, that and the fact that my dad plans to conquer Loré, plans I know nothing of.

She stared at him for a long moment before nodding. Lionel could tell that she didn't buy his excuse one bit. The Lady of Loré may be sharp, but he was sharp too.

Hellaya walked ahead of him, not at all caring that the silence between them was charged. She walked not with the light, almost flimsy way of many noble ladies, but with a strong, graceful, self-assured gait. It radiated exuberance and capability. Lionel decided to try his hand at striking conversation. He opened his mouth to speak, but then quickly closed it.

She'd said that he could call her Hellaya. But how? It felt odd, addressing a woman of such high ranking by only her first name. Besides, his throat felt closed up, Lionel was certain it was because he was alone with Hellaya. Lionel did the only thing he could think of- he reached forward and tapped her on the shoulder.

She whirled, not even slightly slowed by her heeled slippers. The action was so impossibly fast, so swift, Lionel was amazed. No she was not like any other of the noble women he'd met. Her unbound hair brushed his face, she raised her hand a fraction, as if she'd meant to strike him, but she quickly put it down. "Oh," was all she said.

"You sing beautifully," he whispered. Noting her questioning expression, he went on. "I heard you, when you were in your room, you were singing."

"It is one of my- it is my only talent, singing, that is. But thank you, Lionel. I can call you Lionel right? you said so."

He nodded. "Yes, yes you can, Hellaya," he said experimentally. She smiled at that, but Lionel was only half-aware of it. He thought of how she'd moved just now. It was no ladylike gesture, it was something of a warrior's. Lionel studied her. Her arms, while slender, were taut with muscle. He remembered the callouses he'd felt on her hands.

The Lady of Loré, he realized, could fight.

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