
"Oh my god, I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Yeah, I saw you on TV and stuff! You're making it big huh?" she joked, punching Eijirou in the arm.

"Just like I said I would," he said back and flashed her a bright smile.

She laughed and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Well fuck if I exist then, huh, I thought to myself as I sat and waited for her to wrap it up and get back to her aesthetic Tumblr blog.

"Why don't you bring your stuff and sit down? We can catch up!"

What did he just say?

"Sure, as long as your friend doesn't mind."

Friend? I don't know what that means. What does that mean? Me? Eijirou? FRIENDS??


"Oh, I'm sure he doesn't mind. Come on, sit down!" He said, gesturing towards the table.

I'm sure I looked like a total idiot with the way I was staring in utter disbelief.

Not only did he let this fishy smelling hoe sit next to me, but he referred to me as his FRIEND.


She slid into the booth next to me and stared at Kirishima, who sat across from her.

"So... you've grown up a lot over these years, huh? What've you been up to?" Kazuna said in a tone that was a bit more than friendly.

My eyes widened and I looked over at this bitch who was trying to steal my boyfriend before my very eyes.

She barely glanced at my direction before redirecting all of her attention to Eijirou.

Now maybe you see why I can't leave him alone in public.

I felt anger boiling inside me, and the only reason I didn't go straight for the throat is that we'd have witnesses.

Can't have that. Not good for the pro hero rep.

"Oh, you know, just a lot of training, learning, making friends-"

"And a boyfriend," I cut in sharply.

"Yes, that too Katsuki," Eijirou laughed before continuing with his little life briefing.

"W-wait... you're gay?" she gasped, to which he awkwardly nodded.

You know, some people say that there's no such thing as love or hate at first sight. Eijirou and Kazuna proved them wrong on both sides of the spectrum.

I had come to despise the very air around this bitch, and how she simply ignored my presence, even while she's sitting right next to me and flirting with my boyfriend.

And he didn't even know it. At least that's one thing going well right now.

"You know... I..." she said slowly as she ran a hand up Eijirou's arm.

"Don't say it bitch, don't say it..." I said under my breath, already planning the homicide in my head.

"I could probably fix that."

"FUCK NO!" I said, slamming my hands on the table and standing up, "Absolutely not. Eiji get your shit, we're leaving right now."

"I-Uhm, okay!" he said, quickly grabbing his drink and his jacket.

I had to literally step on the table to avoid touching that skanky ass whore on my way out of the booth, and you're stupid if you believe I hesitated to do so.

I left my drink, and that bitch, sitting right at the table and dragged Eijirou outside in front of the shop.

As soon as I stopped walking, he turned to me, and he looked a bit upset.

But What the hell did he have to be pissed about?

"Katsuki, what was that about? I was just catching up with h-"

"How do you even know her?"

"She's just an old friend from middle school! Why are you getting so upset?"

"Why am I upset? Are you joking? She was clearly flirting with you! You didn't see me over there? Neither of you were even acknowledging me, much less noticing how fucking pissed I was!" I spat out without thinking.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you... I-I'd never do anything like that on purpose..."

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair while looking over at him, his face covered in worry.

"No, Ei, I didn't mean to yell at you, I just... want you all to myself, ya know?" I mumbled loud enough so he could hear.

He smiled and pulled me into a hug, which quickly turned into a sweet and soft kiss.

I pulled away quickly and averted my gaze, only to see through the window of the shop, that whore Kazuna, her face sheet white, and sipping on my damn coffee.

It appears everyone was completely clueless about everything, and it made me laugh a little to myself.



One again, happy birthday to @highlyblushing ! Requests are still open if you want one! Hope you enjoyed and have a fantastic day~

Word Count: 1,307

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