First Meeting

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I thought this chapter was cute as hell so um... enjoy ;) also please point out any typos you see. I'm writing these really fast so there will probably be some. Let me know if you liked it!!

Hoi! It's future Scott here! I'm just here to let you know that this chapter is probably the worst quality thing I've ever written, and also the shortest chapter by about 500 words so you can skip this one if you want.


~Bakugo's POV~

I hate this shitty school. I find it hard to believe it's the best in any manner. I wonder how these nerds got into this class in the first place. They all have shitty quirks and shitty happy attitudes.

I scanned the classroom only to find the one and only Deku. I told his dumb ass not to come to this school! Always mocking me and getting in my way! He won't do anyone any good... I'll just have to convince him to leave.

My eyes flicked to the door as it swung open. I saw a guy my age bent over with his hands on his knees. He was panting pretty hard. Damn nerd must've been late. I peeked over my arms that were resting on the table in front of me to see who it was.

He had ruby eyes that rivaled the gem itself and shitty hair to match. He wasn't but an inch shorter than me. I immediately felt my face heat up when I saw his chiseled chin and his parted lips.

Ah goddamn it... he's cute! I thought, and scolded myself for admitting it. I shook my head and burrowed my face in my hands in a pitiful attempt at hiding my blush.

"Sorry I'm late," I looked up from my desk to match the voice to that beautiful face, "I was here early but I fell asleep on the bench..." he said with a grin as he scratched the back of his head.

I blushed at his soft voice and slammed my head back into my desk causing a few mumbles and odd looks from the ass-headed nerds in my class.

"Yeah whatever I don't care... just sit down so I can go to sleep." Aizawa Sensei mumbled out and started trudging towards his desk.

"Kirishima!" I head a yell from my right, "Sit behind me dude!" I guess Pikachu knew this shitty hair 'Kirishima' character.

How the hell does he know him? We all went to the same middle school! That's not fair... he got a fucking head start!

Well, I guess I'll have to get to know them a little better then.


~Kirishima's POV~

I walked forward towards the seat that Kaminari pointed to, right behind him. I high-fived him on my way back, but I felt a pair of eyes on my back as I walked. As I sat down in my new seat, I saw the boy two seats down and one seat ahead whip back around to face the front.

I took note of him as... a potential friend. I like making friends, so I suppose why not try. He seems friendly enough from what I can see, and even though that's not more then some spiky ash blond hair, I trust my instincts.

I'll just charm him with my good intentions, I thought to myself and let out a snicker.


~Time Skip Brought To You By Kirishima's Shining Smile~

I was walking to lunch with Kaminari, when I noticed the boy from before walking in front of us.

"Oi Kami, who's that?" I said pointing at him and nudging Kami on the shoulder.

"Oh, dude that's Bakugo," he responded in a hushed voice, "He's kinda—"

I didn't hear the rest of what Kaminari said. I didn't really care either. All I really wanted was to talk to Bakugo. I wanted to see his face.

Once I caught up, I reached out and brushed my hand against his shoulder.
"Hey dude!" My eyes were met with scowling, crimson ones. Spooky.

"WHAT THE HE— oh... it's you..." He screamed/said as he whipped around to face me.

I sweat-dropped as I spoke, "Heheh, yeah! I just wanted to talk to you since I saw you looking at me in class..."

"Tch! Was not!"

"Hah," I chuckled at his denial "Whatever man. Names Kirishima Eijirou." I held my hand out for him shake and flashed a smile.

Only then did I get a good look at this face. I felt my face heat up and my smile shrink a bit as I got lost in his flaming eyes.

"Oi! Shitty Hair! Did you hear me?" Bakugo snapped in my face and leaned over, trying to get my attention.

"Huh? Uhm, no sorry..."

"I said my names Bakugo. Katsuki." he snapped.

I laughed at his attitude and we walked down the hall together, and talked all through lunch.


~3rd Person POV~
~Time Skip Brought To You By "SHIIIIIIIIIIIINEEEEE!"~

Bakugo and Kirishima became close friends over the first week of school, and they both wanted more already. They snuck glances at eachother in class and barely hid their blushing faces when the other turned their head.


~Kirishima's POV~
~Time Skip Brought To You By Short Circuited Denki ~

"Dude, how on earth did you get Bakugo to talk to you? He's had a bad rep since middle school!" Kaminari questions me nearly every day about how I befriended Katsuki.

"I told you already man, it's not that hard! He's a cool guy, so it was pretty easy." I responded the same as I always do.

Kaminari let out an aggravated groan and rolled his eyes.


HOI. Sooooo I hope you liked this chapter cuz I loooved writing it. I think it's cute. Is it cute? I don't fuckin know. I had a hard time writing Bakugo cuz I only relate to his personality when I'm mad. I tried my best tho. Btw, the prompt I used is the title of the chapter, so if you want the list PM me. Thanks for reading!!

Word Count: 832
Pretty short for a oneshot that I wrote in a day but the next ones are way longer.

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