Tagged QwQ

27 8 23

Welp fuck-

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10 Random things about yourself?

1) My cat is my child
2) I like bread
3) I chew on ice cubes a lot
4) I sleep
5) I'm the tallest in my family but short to other people
6) my favourite number is 69 cause it's funny
7) I give everyone I'm friends with a nickname
8) I only have one friend irl besides you guys
9) I still like the number 69
10) I like animals more than humans

9 Things you do everyday?

1) sleep
2) eat
3) drink
4) phone
5) contemplate my existence
6) think about bread
7) Wattpad
8) Pinterest
9) be with my cat child

8 Things that annoy you?

1) My little brother (in fact he's doing it while I type)
2) my mum
3) my dad
4) people
5) the outside world
6) living Things
7) air
8) existing

(Not a lot of things annoy me so I put random shit-)

7 Fears etc.

1) being awkward
2) saying something that will make someone hate me even tho that was not my intention
3) my mum
4) mums ex
5) my dad
6) people hating me for no reason
7) spiders-

6 songs your addicted too?

1) I'm gonna show you crazy
2) change the formality
3) Natural by imagine dragons
4) Monster by imagine dragons
5) Radioactive by imagine dragons
6) Mindbrand

5 Things You can't live without?

1) my stuffed sheep
2) phone
3) Wattpad
4) sleep
5) drawing supplies

4 Books you recommend on Wattpad?

1) any story from Lithriel
2) Au sans x reader from Aurora-Chan_Here
3) random shit from _-LoveSickClown-_
4) 😐 idk

3 Sayings You have?

1) Sometimes it's good to be not sane
3) you've come too far to give up

2 Things You wish You could do?

1) go to the underground and befriend all the monsters
2) be an anime

1 Recent photo of you?

1 Recent photo of you?

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tAg 15 pEoPlE

Etc. I'm lazy-

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