Ignorance Is Bliss

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"Why do you have to be a Montague?" was what the text from Delilah read.
Kassandra wasn't sure how she should respond. So she just replied, "Well, what would happen if I wasn't a Montague?" There was no reply for a few seconds. Just as Kassandra went to put down her phone to wonder why this girl had to be her 'enemy,' she heard her phone chime with a stream of messages. "Well, I guess we could be a normal, rivalry-free couple." "I mean we could have been." "Unless you're not into that." "Nevermind, forget I said anything." A smile crept onto Kassandra's face. "Well, what if we pretended like we aren't supposed to be rivals?" she replied, knowing that Delilah was probably thoroughly flustered and deciding to tease her a little. "Then we could have a happy relationship, living in ignorant bliss." Kassandra was not expecting such a bold reply from a girl who seemed to be so easily flustered, but two could play at this game. "Then maybe we should go out sometime," was her simple reply. As soon as she sent it, she realized that maybe that was a little too much for this conversation, but Delilah's reply surprised her. "Sure, why not." was all she sent, with a little smiley face following it. Before she could respond, Delilah sent another text, "Let me when and where tomorrow and I'll be there." Kassandra just smiled and said, "Of course. I'll text you tomorrow." She immediately followed her last text up with, "Goodnight, Delilah." Before setting her phone down to sleep, she received a final text. "Sweet dreams, Kass." Kassandra fell asleep smiling.
Just before she fell asleep, Delilah heard a knock on her door. "Come in." She assumed it was her parents coming to talk about her behavior from earlier until she heard him speak. "How are you doing?" Bellamy's voice was calm and comforting to Delilah's ears and she immediately perked up when she realized it was him. "I'm fine Bell, just the usual 'fight with the parents,' you know?" She gave him a half-hearted smile to show that she was fine, but Bellamy wasn't convinced. "I heard that you ran off. What happened?" Delilah never told her brother what Chad was doing for two reasons. One, Bellamy was the type to solve problems with violence and she didn't want anyone to get hurt, especially since Bellamy would get in a ton of trouble if he beat up Chad. Two, Bellamy would feel guilty for not being there to protect her from the creep. He would stop going to have fun with his friends and instead, stay home and protect her. She didn't want either of those to happen because either way, she would feel guilty for whoever gets hurt or becomes unhappy in the end. "I just needed some fresh air. I just lost track of time because I ran into some Montague players in town, that's all," she said with a frown. She hated lying to her brother, he was just trying to help after all. She looked back at Bellamy to see his eyebrows furrowed and his face scrunched up. Why was he angry? "Did they make fun of you?" "Huh?" Delilah didn't know what had caused him to draw such a conclusion. "You frowned after saying that you ran into some of the rats. Did they say something to you? Did they hurt you?" Bellamy seemed to be getting angrier by the moment. But Delilah couldn't just tell him that she was sad because she lied, he would just keep pestering her until he got what he wanted. The truth. "No, they didn't do anything! It was just the team captain. She had-" "I knew it. She was behind all this. Don't worry Delilah, I'll make her pay, I promise." Delilah tried to stop him, to clear up the confusion that she had caused, but it was too late. He was already gone.

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