Escaping to the Town

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The next day, Kassandra and Nate were lying around, unsure of what to do to cure their boredom. Nathan wasn't getting picked up by his parents until around 3pm, so they had several hours to waste. "Want to go for a walk around town?" Nathan asked, unsure of what else they could do. "Sure. Why not?" she replies, standing up to stretch before grabbing her wallet and shoes and making her way to the door.
Over on the other side of the city, Delilah was about to lose her mind. Her parents were having their weekly get-together with their neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. White, who just so happened to also be their best friends. Bellamy, her brother, was smart enough to go hang out with his friends every time they came over, but Delilah couldn't do that because they wanted her around to keep Chad company. They always brought their son Chad with them so the two of them could 'hang out.' Delilah knew that both of their parents wanted them to be a couple. Delilah had eavesdropped on their conversations a few times and heard them talking about how great it would be if the two of them fell in love so they would be family. However, Delilah never saw Chad like that, and she never would. Since the first day they met, Chad had been exceptionally creepy when they were alone.
Today was no different. When the Whites arrived, Delilah slowly walked downstairs to greet them, preparing herself to be polite and respectful for the next few hours around a very impolite and disrespectful boy. As soon as they were inside, Mrs. White turned to her son and said, "Why don't you go with little Delilah and hang out together?" Delilah forced a polite smile and started walking towards her room, Chad following close behind.
Once they reached her room, Delilah closed the door and tossed him an Xbox controller without saying a word. "Choose something to play," she told him. She had given up with the fake smile and was just looking at the TV with a blank expression. "Aww c'mon! Can't we play a different game," he asked with a disgusting smirk on his face. "I've told you before, I'm not playing spin-the-bottle, seven minutes in heaven, truth or dare, or any other game that you can work your twisted fantasies into." "Don't act like you don't love me Delilah. C'mon, our parents are okay with it if that's what you're scared of," he said. That creepy smile was back on his face and pretty soon she realized that his eyes were closed and his face was getting closer. Immediately she stood up and shouted, "I'M GOING TO THE BATHROOM!" and ran out of her room, slamming the door behind her. Delilah was usually able to keep her cool but now she was just mad so she went downstairs into the bathroom and unlocked her phone, calling the only person she could think of.
After a few rings, she picked up. "Hello?" "Amelia! You've got to help me out. Chad's family is over again and I can't deal with them right now. I'm hiding in my bathroom, can you help me escape please?" Amelia Brooks was Delilah's best friend. They had been through thick and thin together since sixth grade. "Yeah, I'll be right over. Just climb out of the window and I'll meet you out front," Amelia said with a laugh. "Thank you," Delilah said, relieved.
After not-so-gracefully stumbling out of her bathroom window, she ran around to the front of her house, careful to avoid any windows where she could get caught. Once she made it to where Amelia was waiting, they ran off together into town.

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