A Broken Heart

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'I hope she's alright' Cyrus thought before directing his full attention back to the road.
Pretty soon they were back at the Santos residence. Kassandra and Nathan both grabbed their soccer bags and walked inside the house, all the way to Kassandra's bedroom. They threw their stuff down in one of the corners of her room. "I'm gonna go take a shower," Kassandra said as she grabbed some more comfortable clothes from her dresser and left for the bathroom. About thirty minutes later, Kassandra came back wearing comfy pants and a loose tank top and her wet hair put up in a messy bun. "So, are you going to go shower or are you just going to stink up my room with your B.O.," Kassandra asked, giving her cousin a teasing smirk. Nathan just stuck out his tongue at her before getting up and grabbing some spare clothes from his bag. Before he left to shower, he decided to ask, "Hey, you seem kind of bummed out lately, is everything alright? You know that you can tell me anything," he said in a soft tone, hoping to get something beyond an 'I'm okay' from her. Kassandra sighed before turning to face Nathan, a saddened smile etched across her face. "You remember Scarlet, right? Scarlet Solis? My girlfriend?" Nathan just nodded, staying silent and waiting for her to continue. "Well, she broke things off. She said that he wanted to focus on her studies and that she wasn't really looking to be in a relationship right now and left," she said. A small pained smile stayed on her face as she turned to look at him. She wiped away a few tears. "Don't worry. I'm a big girl. I can handle myself and I'll get over her soon enough," she said, giving her cousin a genuine smile before shooing him into the bathroom complaining that he smelt like a wet dog.

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