"Amere this is so fancy!" Yanni gasped as she and Jojo walked hand in hand throughout the villa. They were really joined at the hip when they were together.

"Right? Ima sleep so good with all the ocean noises and shit," Jo sighed happily.

"Her pregnant ass always excited to go take a nap," Tez snickered.

"Growing your big headed ass son is a hard job, Cortez," she immediately smarted back. "We not sleeping in the same bed, right?" she jerked her thumb at him.

"The hell we ain't," Tez scoffed. "You gettin' yo ass in my bed," he said, rolling his eyes.

"And if I don't?" she tilted her head.

"Quit playin' wit' me Joelle," he said, looking her dead in her eye, and she rolled her eyes heavy, but didn't say another word. Amere and Yanni shared a look, having the exact same thought, but not saying a thing.

They toured the rest of the villa, seeing everything it had to offer, including a pool no one would use since they were literally two steps away from the beach. There was no time difference either, so everyone was pretty tired since they landed at 8:30, and they got to where they were staying at around 9:45.

Nobody wanted to really go to bed, though, because everyone was so excited to be on vacation.

"It's so pretty hea', my brother really got good taste when he wanna," Ni'jay spoke, sitting by Yanni on the couch where she held he nephew who was fighting his sleep. They had a game of spades going, and they were so loud, EJ wanted to be up too, but he needed to go to bed. Yanni only played with Zeke and her dad stole him as a partner so she volunteered to put him to sleep fully.

"He does," Yanni laughed. "Him and Tez was struggling trying to find it, though,"

"Girl," Ni'jay rolled her eyes. "Them two both dumb as rocks, I just bet it did take em long," she tried to say quietly.

"You talkin shit, Royal?!" Amere looked at her, squinting his eyes. "Keep on, watch when I pop you, you gon be mad li' girl,"

"I'm not! Lawd," she rolled her eyes again. Yanni always found it hilarious how they fussed.

She admired how much his siblings meant to him, as well. He was their father figure for most of their lives, or at least he tried to be, especially when he got older, and you could see it in the way they respected him and they treated him like just a little more than their big brother.

After two spades games and some very heated uno matches, everyone decided to get ready to go to bed. It was getting late, and Yanni was tired, just like everyone else.

"Why are you not sleepy?" Yanni groaned.

"I'on know bae," Amere laughed. He was tired as well but just couldn't seem to go to sleep. "You could still lay by me, I ain't moving,"

"If you move and wake me up I'm gonna beat yo ass," she mumbled, laying up in his arms.

"Yeah aight, take yo mean ass to sleep, E'ani," he chuckled, kissing her lips. "Goodnight, beautiful," he mumbled, making her smile with her eyes closed.

"Goodnight, bubba,"

"Goodnight, bubba,"

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