Chapter 11: The Making of Armies

Start from the beginning

    Crazy looked away. He sighed and looked back to Classic. He then looked back down.

    "Yeah, I am," Crazy said. "I just done't like them. Never have and I never will."

    "What exactly are they other than the shapeshifting?" Classic asked fairly intrigued.

    "Well, I can only shape shift into those that I've seen," Crazy clarified. "My other main ability is hypnotizing."

    "You can hypnotize?" Classic asked surprised. "Please demonstrate."

    "On who, you?" Crazy asked rhetorically.

    "I guess me or that Papyrus," Classic said.

    Before Crazy could say much else, X-Gaster came out of the back room. He looked proud and glad.

    "Your army is waiting outside," he said, moving to the doors.

    "There's no way you got together an army without sending people in and out those doors?" Classic asked, looking at the doors in disbelief.

    "I have my ways," X-Gaster said with smile.

    He threw the doors open and at least a thousand people stood on the other side, standing proudly. Classic saw many people he recognized. He saw Template and Illusion standing near the front, he saw some errors surrounding someone and went the assumption that it was BlueBerror based on the frantic waving from that direction, and what surprised him most was seeing almost every Nightmare standing in the front, standing to attention and awaiting orders.

    "Listen!" X-Gaster said in an authoritative voice that commanded attention. "We have a guest that needs to get home but he has to get through the Center for that. He'll need your help getting there."

    A few of the people nodded but the others gave incredulous looks.

    "If you're wondering why we need all of you for something like this, it has come to my attention that Nightmare is also in need of help," X-Gaster said. A lot of people snorted and looked ready to quit right then. "He was thrown in the dungeons beneath the Center for saving our guest. It is unlikely that Dream has any idea about the fate of his brother so I feel that we should free him before Ink recalls him."

    The Nightmare's straighten at that. Classic had seen how much they cared about their brothers when they thought no one was looking. He guessed that Dream not knowing about Nightmare's situation brought that out in them.

    "Now, for more specific roles," X-Gaster continued once he knew everyone on board had their full attention on him. "Nightmares and Dreams, you are to be the inner guard or the inner layer of everything. Errors and Inks, you are the next layer. Everyone else is in the outer later. Malfunction, you in particular will stay closer to our guest than anyone else. If anyone gets through the inner layer, give them hell. Justice, I want you in the skies. I know you just lost a fight in the arena really bad, but I know you're still agile enough to distract."

    "YES SIR!" they all shouted in unison.

    X-Gaster gestured for Classic to go over to him. Classic went over and he felt the eyes of everyone there looking at him and evaluating him. Classic himself looked at two in particular that X-Gaster had called.

Justice looked a little worse for wear and was heavily leaning on a crutch. His wings were somewhat tattered and at least five feathers had fallen to the ground around his feet in the time he had been standing. Classic had to seriously wonder why X-Gaster would have him in the skies when his wings looked like the feathers would fall the moment he flapped them.

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