ouchies [2]

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So. Um. Hey. How's it going?

So. I'm kind of in a pickle.

So remember that whole drinking and smoking shit?

Yeah. About that.

"Kid. Why the hell do you have a pack of cigarettes on you?"

"Why do you look like you're high on drugs? Many questions. No true answers." I counter.

He has the audacity to growl at me. Damn Eraserhead. Rude much?

"What's your deal, hobo?" I ask while puffing our some smoke. "That can ruin you kid." he says lowly.

"So can you bring a hero. Yet you still are one. Just like I still smoke." Okay so maybe that's not the best comparison buuut I don't know what else to say.

"That's a horrible comparison." he responds. I just shrug and continue smoking. "If you're so worried, why haven't you taken the cigarette?" I ask while smirking. He just glares without responding. "Ouch. Most people are 'dying to talk to me'." I say in a mocking voice.

I finish off the cigarette and stuff it on my wrist, putting it out. I don't even wince. "Why the hell did you do that?" the adult hissed. "Why not?" I ask. He just groans and holds out his hand. "Hand over the pack." he snarls. "Fuck no!" I protest.

He continues to glare at me before wrapping me in that damn scarf. "Give it." he huffs out. I roll my eyes and stare. "This is kinda kinky. Not gonna lie." I say while grinning. He continues to glare but doesn't say anything. I shrug and glare back.

After a good minute of glaring, I do something that nobody is dumb enough to do. Except me.

I kneed the guy in his no-no area. I know right, smart! Praise me later.

He steps back and hissed in pain. The scarf loosened which I took as an opportunity. I tug on the scarf which causes him to let go. I grin and grab the scarf. I unwrap myself quickly and hold the scarf.

"Thanks for the new scarf!" I tell while running off. I'm guessing he hasn't recovered yet since I'm not being chased. I'm not taking any chances.

I kept running until I made it home.

Gotta go fast!

Time skip to the next day

I grab my new scarf and walk out of the house. I have a show today which is cool I guess.

I wrap the scarf around my neck and start running to the building. I can't be late!

Gotta go fast!

Skip to showtime

As I'm about to step on stage, my 'Dad' stops me. "What's with the scarf?" he asks. "New style of fashion." I said with a blank expression. He just stares before pushing me forward. "Don't screw this up brat." he hissed

I walked out onto the stage and walk over towards the mic. I grab it and look at the crowd.

"Hello everyone!" I shout. The audience cheers and screams like maniacs. "Let's get started!" I shout while pumping my fist into the air. Everyone cheers.

I start the show and hope that nobody notices the burn on my wrist.

Sadly, luck seems to never be on my side.

Word count: 533

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