Chapter 16

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Harry's just gotten out of the shower when his phone rings, buzzing on the bathroom counter top as y/n's contact pops up. Gripping the towel around his waist in one hand, Harry picks it up and answers the Face Time. He's greeted with a blurry picture of Arlo, who's shaking the phone in excitement. "Daddy!"

Gasping dramatically, Harry grins back. "Good morning bug!" He laughs when Arlo continues to wag the phone around, and he can hear y/n laugh too.

"Baby, stop shaking daddy. He can't even see you if you keep doing that!" Arlo freezes at his mother words, stilling the phone. Harry's able to make out the kitchen behind him, and by the colorful toys peaking around the edges of the screen Arlo's got the phone balanced on his walker.

"Where's mumma?" Harry asks, propping the phone up against the mirror so he can brush his teeth. Arlo thrusts the phone forward, it clattering down to the kitchen floor and he laughs around the toothpaste in his mouth.

"Arlo you don't throw the phone at me." Y/n scolds, and then after some blurry movement he can see his wife. She's in her fuzzy robe, hair a little messy on her head and he's pretty sure she just woke up. "Morning Harry."

Harry wiggles his fingers at her, spitting into the sink. "Hey darling, what's going on?"

Theo yelps in the background, and then Arlo's grumbling loudly. Y/n looks down at her feet, sighing softly. "Trying to make some oatmeal for us but someone's being a grump this morning." Arlo makes another annoyed sound.

"What's he whining about?"

Y/n settles her phone on the windowsill by the stove, allowing him to see her while she moves around to make breakfast. She's leans over, lifting Arlo from his walker and setting him on her hip. "He's mad that I'm making him eat real food instead of milk."

Arlo lays his head on her shoulder, tugging at the edge of her robe. Harry laughs, causing Arlo's head to perk up. Y/n sits him on the counter next to her, allowing him to still see Harry while she cuts up some blueberries.

Harry grabs his phone, returning to the bedroom. He's got to get dressed soon so he can head to the gym for press and warm ups, but he can take a minute to sit and talk to y/n and Arlo. "Don't blame him. I'd be mad too if I got your tits taken away from me."

Y/n rolls her eyes. "He's more concerned about the milk inside them, thank you." She rebuttals and Harry cackles. Arlo coos at the noise, leaning forward on his elbows so his face is close to the phone.

"Bug, can't see your mumma with your big head in front of the camera." Arlo ignores Harry, eyes staring so intently at the screen Harry feels as if Arlo's sat on his chest in person.

Y/n tugs on his pamper, pulling him back. "Listen to your daddy. S'not all about you." Arlo whines in frustration, reaching out and smacking y/n on the arm. It makes a loud stinging noise, but Harry knows it doesn't hurt too much. He's been on the receiving end of those chubby palms many times.

"Don't hit your mumma!"

"Don't hit me!" Harry and y/n scolds in unison, and she swats him back. Arlo grumbles, reaching to hit her again but she quickly scoops him up and sets him on the kitchen floor. "If you're going to be mean you can be by yourself!"

She scoops up the cut fruit on the counter, throwing it into the bowl of oatmeal on the counter. Arlo begins to wail, and Harry sees his little fingers reaching up towards her.

"Please don't tell me he's walking already?" Harry pleads, belly bubbling with apprehension. If he managed to miss Arlo's first steps after one night away he'll be devastated.

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