Chapter 9

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Harry won't admit it to anyone, but he hates being alone. He hated coming home to an empty apartment. He hated eating meals by himself. He hated going to bed by himself. He hated waking up by himself. Which is probably why he loves to be the one that wakes up first. Today, however, he doesn't mind waking up after y/n. Especially not when she's settled on his thighs, hips pressed to his plushy bottom, and sponging lazy kisses behind his ear and over the back of his neck. Her hand is tangled in his hair, the other stroking over his bare bicep tenderly.

"Bub," She whispers, voice sticky and warm. "are you up?"

He opens his eyes, just for a brief second before they're weighed back down with grogginess. Y/n strokes over his ear, tickling the soft skin, and Harry can't help but mold into his wife's touch. It's not until he's pushing back into her hips that he realizes his usually harmless morning wood is starting to worsen, throbbing thickly in his boxers.

"M'working on it darling," his voice is croaky and tired. "but part of me is definitely up for ya."

She giggles warmly. "What's new,"

Harry chuckles, rolling his hips forward into the mattress. He shivers, lips parting into a tired groan. Y/n tugs on his curls a bit, pulling his attention away from lazily rutting his cock into the mattress.

"Too sleepy to roll over and let me help you?"

Harry grunts. "Like feeling ya sat on my bum."

He can feel her roll her eyes, huffing as she lays her cheek on his bare shoulder blade. "Fine," she mutters, "guess I'll sit here and enjoy the ride."

Harry chuckles warmly, blinding reaching one hand back to grip her hip and tug her further up his bum, her weight pushing his cock harder into the matress. She pecks his shoulder, smiling against his skin as he grinds himself down. He can't keep his eyes open, brain foggy with sleep and pleasure. His whole body goes numb save for the sparks of white dancing in his belly and crotch. Y/n's touch is warm on his clammy skin, breath soothing as she kisses over his flexing muscles.

"Baby," Harry whimpers, fingers digging into his pillow for more leverage to slowly grind down. Y/n hums, nipping at his flesh. "Will ya talk to me? Please? Just... just sweet stuff?"

He feels her smirk. "Sweet stuff to make you come?" He nods lazily. "Awful mean of you to make me watch you come, to sit here and tell you how much I want it."

Harry gasps when he feels small rut of her own on his backside. "Don't wanna be mean," he whispers and he really doesn't. He's just far too tired to flip around and get his cock in her. "Keep doin' tha' darling, keep moving like tha'."

Y/n chuckles as if she were going to continue getting herself off whether she had his permission or not. They move in sync, grinding down together. It's incredibly sloppy and slow, Harry's head buzzing in a sleep-like state as he massages his cock into the mattress and y/n rubs down on him. And it's so completely desperate and whiny, so juvenile, humping and whispering hotly to each other. Harry imagines this is what high school sweet hearts must feel like, desperate and hormonal for the one they love, aching to feel good together. He never had a school sweet heart, but he thinks of y/n being his. Taking her home to a house that had a healthy father and a loving mother. Introducing her to a sister that didn't mind hanging out at home, giggling over cheap jokes at Harry's expense that he'll pout at, but not mind because at least she's happy.

His chest heats up even more at the thought and instinctively he reaches behind him for her hand. Y/n grips it, squeezing his fingers as she rolls over his bum with little mewls that make him tingle.

"Darling," Harry croaks, turning his head to her a bit more. She seems to understand, stretching up to connect their mouths in a kiss that feels so good he's able to ignore the ache in his neck. They remain locked like that, moving in sync and panting into each other's mouths until Harry's spurting into his boxers, hips twitching, and y/n's thighs are squeezing his hips while hers jerk over him.

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