Chapter 7

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Harry's always loved the rain. From the time he was a little boy, hair still blond and straight, and teeth too big for his face, every time it rained, Harry was sat in front of the patio door to watch the rain. He used to think he'd be at his happiest when he was sat in front of the door, watching the water splatter in the back yard.

He was so wrong.

In the parking lot of Benny's, a drive-in that has y/n's favorite cheeseburgers, with rain splattering down on the car around them, Harry decides this is what happiness feels like. Her sock covered feet are up on the dashboard (even though she knows that's one of Harry's pet peeves) and she's tucked into the jacket he lent her on their first date, half eaten burger between her fingers as she sips on the glass bottle of root beer that came with her meal.

The spring rain is chilly but Harry's warm all over and he's positive it's not because of the car heater. It's the girl sitting in the passenger seat of his car, humming Blink-182 songs with him and giggling each time they both reach to the center console for a couple fries. Harry takes a drink of his milkshake, shivering at the rush of coolness in his heated body and the song playing on her phone changes to Adam's Song.

He doesn't mean to but the song makes him fall silent, staring out the windshield at the water stained image of Benny's. It's his lack of humming, he thinks, that catches her attention.

"Do you miss them?"

Harry blinks out of his stupor, feeling completely dumb for falling into the longing for his family when he's got the perfect girl sat with him. Ever since he met y/n, it's been easier to imagine a life with her than a life without his family but he still has his moments.

He hesitates, coldness blossoming in his chest because sure he misses them but they didn't support him and he's not sure he wants to be around people that don't want him to be happy. He's tempted to act indifferent like he usually does, shrug it off like it's not a big deal but when he looks at y/n, he can't. The lights of the drive-in are bouncing off her dark eyes and highlighting her cheekbones, and she looks so small in his jacket, and her eyes are just radiating warmth.

"All the fucking time." Harry admits quietly, fingers playing with the straw in his milkshake in attempt to distract himself from the ache in his heart.

Y/n doesn't verbally answer him and curiously, he tilts his head towards her. She examines him for a quick second, lips pursed to the right and if she hadn't looked so deep in thought, he would leaned over and kissed her.

"I wish I knew what to say," she murmurs, "I mean, I can keep saying sorry but I'm sure that's annoying by now."

Harry lips quirk up at the little chuckle she lets out because it is fucking annoying. It's not her fault that his past is screwed up so she shouldn't be apologizing for it. "Don't have to say anything, Darling. S'just life."

"I want to say something though."

Harry frowns, taken aback by the heat in her tone. She's got that crease between her eyebrows, the one that shows up when she's holding back, so he stays silent, waiting for her to continue.

"I want you to be able to talk to me, like really talk about it because something like that just doesn't go away and I think talking about it will make you feel better. I want to make you feel better."

He's a bit stunned. In the five months they've been dating, he's only ever heard speak with that much conviction when they argued about her attending his fights and even then she had stuttered over her words. Now she's sat in his car in the rain admitting that she wants him to get better. No one's ever told Harry that they want to help him fix himself, at least not in the way she is. Yeah, Nick housed him and trained him and helped him through bad nights, but y/n is trying to help him inside. She sees past the success and the sleek car and the fancy apartment. She sees him and it's so fucking refreshing to feel that way.

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