Chapter 14

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Harry may be hurt with y/n, but that doesn't mean he doesn't know what's best for her, and it doesn't mean he won't take care of her. Which is why he made her take a break from everything. He knows she's hard-working and always eager to please, but after that weekend back in his hometown, he knew they both needed some time for just them. Now that she's starting her second trimester she's been more tired and the now visible baby in her belly is starting to bother her with cravings.

Cravings that have him spreading cinnamon butter on honey rolls at midnight, and sprinkling extra cheese on her omelette in the morning, and frying excessive amounts of chicken for dinner. It's a bit annoying, but it's also his baby he's feeding. The tiny, helpless little baby that's just getting a taste for life, that's relying on him for care and love and protection. And careless or not, that's his wife that he's taking care of. The beautiful strong woman that's creating life in her tummy, that's growing the big family he's wanted ever since he fell in love with her.

But that doesn't mean he's not annoyed when he's woken up by her wiggling out of bed, and he rolls onto his back, blinking the fuzziness away and watching her quietly leave their bedroom. He knows exactly where she's going and what she's getting, because he always knows when it comes to her.

He groans, frustrated that his brain and body are telling him to just go back to sleep, but his heart is telling him to follow her, to follow his baby. Sleepy scowl on his face, Harry leaves the room, silently trailing her into the kitchen where he finds exactly how he knew he would.

She's sat on the countertop, leaning back against the cabinets in the corner where the two tops meet, legs stretched out by the sink with a bag of puffy Hot Cheetos in her lap. Her eyes are droopy and pink, and she lazily digs around in the bag for a chip.

Her gaze moves to him when she finally notices his presence, lips quirking up sleepily. He fishes out a glass and fills it with water, placing it on the counter next to her because it's only a matter of time before the chips get too hot.

"Deja Vu, huh?" She mururms quietly as he leans back against the cabinet. His arms cross over his chest, head bobbing sluggishly. He looks around the kitchen, at the freshly washed baby bottles and the stack of dirty bibs on the floor in front of the laundry room. He thinks back to when it was just them here, resting in these exact same spots with the same chips in her hands. The only difference now, is the tiny human sleeping upstairs.

"S'almost exactly the same." Harry agrees, looking over at her growing belly. It's not actually visible under her baggy shirt, but he knows it's there. Ever since he noticed it a few days ago, it's pretty much all he can see.

"Yeah, almost."

Her tone has Harry's head snapping towards her, eyebrows pinching together. She sounds almost bitter that they're in this spot again. And if she's not bitter, she's at least upset by it.

"Why'd ya say it like tha'?" Harry demands gruffly. Y/n lifts her water up, red fingerprints sticking to the glass like a messy toddler. She frowns, setting down the glass and lazily wiping the her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Like what?" She scoffs, "like how I'm feeling?"

His skin prickles, veins getting hot with either annoyance or anger, and he wishes he had just gone back to sleep. He doesn't want to fight with her but it seems like she's pushing his buttons on purpose.

"Like you wish we weren't here." Harry mutters, nose flaring angrily. He squeezes his eyes shut, focusing on the black behind his eyelids to try and calm down.

"I didn't mean it like that," she sighs, "I meant it like it's not the same. It's not even close to the same. If this were like last time, you wouldn't be looking at me like you want to hit me."

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