The ball pt.1

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Adrien's POV
I was excited, it was the first time in a while that I had seen other people other than the regulars. ( Maids, teacher, Luka e.t.c. ). Maid 1 had left a bag on the door with a note along with it.

Luka's note:
I took the opportunity to pick something out for you and I hope you enjoy the ball tonight. I'd like to talk to to you further about the way I feel later in tonight.
- Luka

Adrien's POV
Talk about how he felt? Does that mean he also had feelings as profound as mine for me? I took out the suit. It was a dark grey but had a white top underneath. It looked expensive and I bet it was.... In a way I felt bad, does he think I use him for his money? No, he wouldn't think that way, right? But after pondering for some time I quickly got over it and mad way to the limo where he was waiting. He wore a dark blue tux and also had a white top underneath. He was there waiting for me bouquet and all.

LU: "hey there kitty" he smirked

AD: "so your calling me kitty now?" I blushed in a playful way

LU: "yeah it suits you. Speaking of suits, you look amazing tonight, and to to go with suck a handsome prince a bouquet of flowers" I blushed harder knowing, how thought full his actions were.

AD: "they're beautiful"

LU: "that's not all" I was surprised that he put all this effort in and yet I didn't get hunk anything.

3rd POV
Luka pulled out a velvet ribbon with 2 golden bells attached. He proceeded to attach it to a piece of Adrien's hair forming a bow. It looked elegant and a little feminine but is suited him quite well.

LU: "perfect, now everyone knows your here with me" he pulled me right into the limo after saying that. Alfred does of at the speed of light right after. Though I'm sure it was Luka's intension because I immediately fell face first into his lap soon after.

LU: "well, though I'm flattered, maybe save it until after the party" I was super embarrassed and I know Luka could see my blushing face when I got up. But tried to hide it until we pulled up at the front.

Luka's POV
It was a grande glass door entrance there were multiple people there and I could tell the majority of the guests had arrived. The party mainly classified of Alphas ( which I knew ) and a few exceptional betas. Of course I wasn't going to let Adrien a rare omega just casually walk around without taking note of his scent. Actually the bow I had given him had strong amounts of my pheromones. To make sure that even if he did wonder off they wouldn't be able to sense his presence. But of course he wouldn't be leaving my side the entire night. The moment he saw the front his eyes lit up. It put a smile on my face to see how happy he was of course since he never even heard of my name before I'd assume he'd been quite sheltered for the most of his life. The moment I walked in everyone clapped and bowed ( he's super powerful in the company business - Couffain is a big name ) they respected the name and I could tell Adrien was confused. I pulled him closer, clearly showing people that he was my plus one. Juleka wasn't far behind with rose but they went straight for the dessert bar, of course. I went along talking with some of the other business merchants for awhile until I had lost track of time at some point.

Author here! Sorry for the long awaited smut delay but I try to keep the words at less than 1000 per part and I felt like it was a good place to end. But trust me YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED IN THE NEXT PART! So make sure to read the next chapter to find out what happens!

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