Chapter Eight

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What Alexa looks like as an immortal. (Pic above)

One month later:

Alexa's (POV)

Penny has helping me with controlling myself and i think i'm doing great and today is my first day of going back to school after becoming immortal and Penny is coming with me because he doesn't want me killing anyone. "Hey Penny." He smiled. "You ready?" "Yeah come on." I was a little excited because i haven't been out have the house in a month unless it's to go and hunt. I pulled him. "Ok i'm coming!" He laughed as we left the house and headed to school. When we got there people wouldn't go near me they were scared i could smell it. "Penny what's going on?" "Bill might of said a few things." My eyes turned red that meant that i was pissed. Pennywise noticed. "Hey Alexa it is ok." "No it is not a swear to fucking god i'm going to kill that son of a bitch!" He looked at me and sighed. We arrived at our lockers and Henry was already there great. I went up to the lockers and opened mine and Henry looked at me he didn't recognize me. "Hey i'm Henry what's your name?" "Really Henry it hasn't been that long has it?" He looked at me confused Penny just laughed. "Remember i kicked you in your nuts." "Alexa?" "Yep it's me." I smiled he just looked at me in shock i laughed. "Come on Penny we're going to be late." I smile and me Pennywise went to class.

At lunch: 

Alexa's (POV)

Me and Penny walked into the lunchroom and it went quiet i could get use to this. Penny and i sat down and everyone started talking again then someone walked up to us. "Alexa is that you?" I look up and Richie is standing there. "Yeah.." He dropped his tray on the table and hugged me the lunchroom went silent everyone was looking at him like he was crazy even the rest of the Losers! I hugged him back the truth was that i missed him he was my first real friend. We pulled away from the hug. "I missed you so much Alexa i thought that i'll never see you again." I smiled and made him look at me he was crying. "I would never let that happen ok?" He nodded and wiped his tears. I looked at Penny. "Do you want to sit with us?" He nodded and sat down then i heard some thing that pissed the fuck off it came for the table that the Losers where sitting at. "He's a goner." I walked over to them. "What the hells your problem!" They all looked at me terrified. "I asked a fucking question!" "Um..." "Well?" My eyes turned red. "One of you better speak up or i'll kill all of you now how the hell said that!" Eddie stood up. "I-i did." I smiled. Now was that so hard?" I calmed down and looked at him. "Look i'm going to hurt any of you and i'm sure as hell not going to hurt Richie. He was the only real friend i had." "We w-were real f-f-friends." "No you weren't! Do real friends run away from others because their different or even dangerous." I took a breath in and they had fear all over them. "You guys are even scared even though i said i wasn't going to fucking hurt you." "No w-were not s-s-scared." "And real friends don't lie to each other." I walked back and sat with Pennywise and Richie and we told Richie what happened to me and he was cool with it we talked and laughed it was the most fun i've had in a while.

Richie's (POV)

I was so happy to have Alexa back i was also nervous because i also sitting with a killer clown that could ripe my throat out at any moment but we talked and i got to know him he wasn't that bad. We laughed and had a good time. I caught the Losers looking at me weird a few times i just shook it off and kept talking. I liked hanging out with them because i didn't feel like a outcast i felt like i was the normal one there for once and i liked it.

At the end of the day:

Richie's (POV) 

The Losers haven't talked to me since before lunch and i didn't mind. I was walking down the hall and i saw Alexa and Pennywise/Bill. "Hey guys!" They looked at me and smiled. "Hey Richie!" I gave Alexa a hug and Pennywise punched me in the arm i've never seen this side of him sorry i've never seen him when he isn't trying to ripe my face off. The punch hurt too! "Ow!" He laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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