Chapter Five

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Alexa's (POV)

I ate my breakfast and went to the door because the Losers have been seeing some weird shit and they wanted to investigate. "Where are you going?" I turned around and looked at Pennywise. "I just going the house next store with the Losers because they keep seeing some freaking crap and they want to know what it is. I'll be back by 7 see you later." I gave him a little peck on the lips and left.

Pennywise's (POV)

Their going to my house and taking my Alexa with them. I felt the rage overwhelm me as i watched them go into the house. Then i teleported into the house. I needed to slit them up somehow. Then i got an idea.

Alexa's (POV)

I walked into the creepy old house then i heard something. "Alexa help me!" It sounded like a little girl what the fuck is a little kid doing in here? "Alexa help!" There it was again whatever reason she's here she needs help. I ran into the hallway and Eddie followed behind me. "Alexa help!" I followed the voice into a room the door slammed shut i turned around and Eddie wasn't there. "Eddie!" I started to kick the door and soon it flung open i ran down the hallway then stopped because there was a hole in the floor i looked down and Eddie was lying on the floor he wasn't awake. I jumped down and went to wake Eddie up but i was stopped when i gloved hand came out and opened the fridge then Pennywise my fucking Pennywise came out. "Penny?" Eddie looked at me confuse as hell. Yes he was awake! "Hey Alexa." Pennywise looked at the ground ashamed. Then he looked at Eddie before he said anything i knew what he was about to do. "Don't. Even. Think. About. It." I looked at him straight in the eyes and he calmed down. Then Beverly came in and saw us and thought we were in danger and stabbed Pennywise with a piece of a fence she found i screamed "No!!" I had tears falling down my face. I ran over to him and they screamed at me. "No Alexa get away from him! Are you fucking crazy!" I was sobbing. "N-no!" I hugged him and followed him down a well and through the tunnels until we came to this big room then i heard something. "I'm sorry Alexa for everything." Then i found him he was sitting on the floor looking down. I walked over to him to him and sat with him. "you have nothing to be sorry for." He looked at me and then looked back down. "Yes i do..." No you don't you did nothing wrong!" "Yes i did." I was getting angry now. "Well i don't care they hurt you and i couldn't even thinking about you getting hurt never mind seeing it!" He looked at me and smiled then he got serious. "You know i'll never hurt you right?" I smiled and said. "Yes i know this i know you'll never hurt me." I smiled and kissed him then i noticed. "Penny your healed." He laughed. "Yeah it's just something i can do." I looked at him confused he just laughed more. "I'll tell you later ok?" I nodded and went back into the house and the Losers were gone Pennywise transformed into 'Bill' and we walked outside the Losers were there and Pennywise growled i held him close and he settled down. Then something caught my attention Billy just punched Richie that set me off and ran over there and pushed Bill say "What the hell!" Bill just looked at me like he just seen i ghost. "H-how are you s-s-still alive?" They looked at me confused. "The clown t-t-took you." I laughed.  "You guys really think Pennywise would hurt me?!" "Well yeah he's a fucking killer clown he'll hurt anyone!" I looked at Beverly now i was pissed. I started to yell"No he's a loving, Kind, and Sweet thing and he would never hurt me! He's loves me and i love him!" The gasped by i was already running down the sidewalk to my house.

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