Kindergarten's New Student ( Part 1 )

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"Ugh, she's so weird..."

"Why is she even here?"

I sighed & ignored everything I heard. I sat on my seat & held my hands as I stared at them.

I'm still in Kindergarten. I didn't play with anyone because I noticed that they didn't really like me.

I ended up being friends with my teachers instead. During dismissal time, I saw this guy. He looked lonely too...

I was at the swing looking at him. He just stared at everyone, hoping someone would play with him.

I stood up from the swing & walked towards him. He noticed me walking closer to him, step by step.

I smiled & said, "I'm Y/n."

He smiled as well & said, "My name's Haechan."

"Do you wanna play at the swing?", I asked him.

He nodded quickly. I turn back to the swing & noticed everyone staring at me. I walked back to the swing set & Haechan sat on the other swing.

We played, laughed, & we had fun.

Suddenly, Ms. Kim came.

She asked me, "Who's your friend over there?", she pointed at Haechan.

"He's Haechan!", I said happily, but she looked terrified.

"Are you okay Ms. Kim?", I asked her.

"I'm okay", she said & smiled.

"Look over there! There's your mom!", Ms. Kim pointed at Mother, who was outside school.

I turn over to Haechan & he smiled at me.

I smiled back & said, "Mother's there already! I have to go now! Bye, Haechan, see you tomorrow!"

He said the same thing to me & I went to Mother. She hugged me & I hugged her back.

"Ms. Na?", I heard Ms. Kim call Mother.

Mother turned to her & smiled.

"Can we talk for a while?", Ms. Kim asked Mother.

She nodded & said to me, "Wait here for Mother, okay?"

I nodded as she took a few steps away & talked with Ms. Kim.

I waited there & thought of Haechan. I smiled as I remembered him playing with me on the swing set.

After a while, Mother came back. I smiled & she looked a little sad.

"Why are you sad Mother?", I asked her & slowly hugged her.

"I'm not sad!", she said in her excited tone.

She carried me & said, "You know what? We are going to get ice cream! Because you deserve it", she smiled at me.

I cheered happily as I found out the news she had.

"Y/n!", I heard Haechan call me.

"Haechan?", I asked as I saw him.

Mother turned & she put me down.

"What is it?", I asked him.

"Well, can I come with you?", he asked.

"Of course!", I said to him.

He smiled happily. I turned to Mother.

I said, "Haechan can come with us, right?"

"Oh! Who's this Haechan, sweetie?", she asked me.

"Him!", I pointed at Haechan.

Her eyes widen & gave a nervous chuckle.

"Sure, he can come with us...", Mother said with a worried tone.

I tried to shrug it off & I held Haechan's hand.

"Let's go!", I smiled as I pulled him with me.

The three of is walked together & went to the ice cream shop. The three of us got our ice cream.

We went home after that. We finally arrived.

Haechan said, "I live over there!"

He pointed a house near us. My eyes widen, not knowing he lived there.

"We're actually neighbors!", I cheered happily.

"Come in now, Y/n!", Mother called me.

"Okay Mother! I'll just say goodbye to Haechan!", I said to Mother.

"I have to go now. Mother's telling me to go in already.", I said as I waved him goodbye & left him.

"End of Part 1"

In Our Next Lifetime - NCT Haechan FF《 COMPLETE 》Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon