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"Nabiya nabiya

Iri nara onuhra

Norang nabi huin nabi

Choomul choomyuh onuhra",euigeon sang as he danced around the stall.

"What's with the song,Geonie?Are you in a good mood or something?",taehyung asked as he reached the stall with hyun beside him.

"Its the opposite, king hyung. I'm sad right now",euigeon said and hugged hyun as he pouted sadly.

"What happened, Geonie?Why are you alone?Where is your brother?",hyun asked and only by now taehyung found that his Jungkookie was missing as he was too invested in the sad kid.

"He is at home,hyunie",he pouted.

"What happened to Jungkookie, Geonie?Is he alright?",taehyung asked,panic striking him immediately.

"He is sick,hyungie.He has a fever from yesterday",euigeon pouted even more if that was even possible.

"I should have brought him home once i saw him drenched in water",taehyung sighed at his stupidity which brought the youngsters' attention on him immediately.

"Kookie was drenched in water?How did you know,kingy",euigeon asked as he now brought his whole attention to the king.

"He must have been with your brother yesterday, Geonie. He went to the cliff yesterday. Did you meet kookie hyung there,hyung?",hyun asked to which taehyung just nodded as he was busy scolding himself for being stupid.

"Don't worry,kingy.He was doing fine this morning.Now don't be sulking.",euigeon said.

"Is he really alright Geonie?Should i send the royal doctor to treat him?",taehyung asked,clearly worried.

"He is perfectly alright, kingy.Mama gave him something to drink last night and poof!his fever ran away just like that.He is just resting for a bit.",euigeon said and eyed taehyung who was looking really sad.

"Fine!Let's do one thing,hyungie. Come with me to our home.You too,hyunie.You can see a somewhat healthy kookie with your own eyes",euigeon said and locked the stall without even having a single thought of asking the other two's opinion.

As he locked the stall,he dragged the two elders straight to his home with taehyung wearing a mask to prevent himself from being identified.

"Geonie?You're already here?Did you lock the stall carefully?",jungyoon asked as he stood up from his chair once he saw euigeon.

"Offcourse,papa.Trust me!",euigeon said as he walked towards him while his papa just rolled his eyes at him.

"You said the same thing yesterday, but when i went there this morning, the stall's door was just closed without any lock!",jungyoon said.

"Oh,trust me,papa.It was an one time thing.Moreover they saw me locking the door.Didn't i close it correctly?",euigeon asked the duo who were standing at the door,not knowing what to do.

"Who are they,Geonie?",jungyoon asked as he eyed the two new people who caught his attention just then,after euigeon talked with them.

"Don't tell anyone, papa.Its a secret....The tall man here is our king",euigeon said in a hushed tone but jungyoon just scoffed.

"And who am i?",he asked sarcastically which didn't get noticed by his son.

"Oh!you're his father-in-law and i'm going to be his brother-in-law.Isn't that great,papa?",euigeon overjoyed but soon got his ear pinched.

The King's sangmin queen ||TAEKOOK ⏸️Where stories live. Discover now