Boys - Ringo

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"I'm just done with them Ringo, done!" I throw my hands in the air.
"It's alright Claire" he sits at the end of her bed trying to comfort her.

You and Ringo had been best friends for years, ever since you were little kids throwing about balls and drawing with chalk, but life changes, people change, feelings change. Ringo had a massive crush on you but you had no idea.

"It's not alright though is it? John used me, he just wanted some girl for sex, his feelings were never true yet I believed every sweet nothing he whispered." I yelled as I collapsed on my bed crying.

"Well no it isn't but he never deserved you in the first place" Ringo says.

"Yeah yeah whatever" I laugh sarcastically through tears.

"I loved John, well, I thought I did, he never liked me. He would walk round town with me but he'd be gawking at other girls, blondes, Bridgette Bardot bitches with skimpy skirts and tight turtlenecks, high hells high enough to put their head in the clouds, or at least high enough so John could see up their skirt. I'm nothing like them, I never have been and I don't think anyone will ever love me unless I look like that."

"Oh shut up Claire you're being ridiculo-"

"Am I Ritchie? Am I really? That's all you teenage boys talk about, slutty girls. You's don't give two tosses about personality-"

"We're not all like tha-"

"It doesn't matter if we're smart, as long as we're skinny-"

"Claire really stop saying these things, I-"

"You what ringo! What!?"

Suddenly you feel a tight grip on your waist and a strong hand on your cheek, Ringo pushes his lips to yours as he tucks your hair behind your ear, you're startled at first but slowly melt into the kiss, putting your hands behind his neck and moaning into his mouth. He pulls away slowly and stares at your eyes.

"Claire, you need to stop thinking that you're not good enough, John isn't right he's just a dick, he does only care about gettin girls in bed but we ain't all like that."

"Richie I-"

"Oh my, every time you call me that my heart just soars, Claire don't you see what you do to me? I love ye! I have for a long time. Yer beautiful and smart and funny and.. well I could go on forever."

He scoots closer again and put his hand back on your check, caressing your face.

"I've waited the longest time to kiss you ye know" he chuckles.

"Do it again Ritchie" you whisper.

"Really you want to kiss me?" He asks shocked.

"I've wanted to since we were 8."

Mash potatoes yeh

Beatles Imagines  Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon