Act I - Operation Haymaker - Combined Assault

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It was five years ago when they attacked... Titans, giants that closely resemble humans, has the capability to take out a platoon with major psychological impact on troop's morale and from what I've heard... they eat us for appetite. We still don't know where they come from or why they eat only humans, but some believe as an act of god for punishment for our sins. Some believe it's a government experiment gone wrong... but none of that bullshit matter to soldiers like me. We only have one objective, established a high-profile defense in Manhattan alongside the New York Army National Guard and halt their advancement from Times Square. It's uncertain what we'll find, but this will be my first encounter with these so-called Titans and we'll be the first into the city. May god watches over us... this is Staff Sergeant Ein Jaeger, 2nd Battalion, 25th Marines, signing out.

Titans roam the desolated and war-torn Manhattan Island, destroying everything and eating in their path as chaos ensures and panic arises. U.S. Marines from 2nd Battalion, 25th Marines alongside the New York Army National Guard 53d Troops Command arrived to assist the excavation and establishing a high-profile defense in Times Square. The current weather conditions wasn't making things easier as thunder roars in the skies and heavy rain pours over the city with heavy fog.

Captain Anderson, squad leader of the 2nd Battalion, 25th Marines, gives orders to Staff Sergeant Jaeger and his squad while holding position with the convoy of M1 Abrams advancing forward, "Staff Sergeant, I need your AT team to advance forward with the armored company and engage the hostile forces. We cannot afford any of them breaking through our defenses so give them hell and kill em' all! Now MOVE IT!!!"

Staff Sergeant Jaeger lead the AT teams to the frontlines as the armored company advances towards Times Square. Their menacing dark figure can be seen approaching from the distance with earth-pounding footsteps. He stood still and stared at them, admiring their size.

"Staff Sergeant," one of his men noted his reaction, "Are you okay?" He can see their faces once the fog cleared up... emotionless, strange, and very human.

"STAFF SERGEANT," the young marine shouted in his face, "Keep it together!"

Jaeger pulled himself together and snapped back into action as he continues moving up with the Abrams as they halted their advance and begin to engage the Titans with the main 120MM cannons.

"All right marines," Jaeger positioned his men behind the abandoned vehicles and plans out his attack. "You know the drill! Ready the Javelins! Unit 2 and 3 will accompany the advancing armored company while Unit 1, Unit 4, and my unit will advance forward. Unit 5 and 6 will engage on the left flank alongside the National Guard."

The size and grim emotions of their face sends chills into his spine, he shook a little before he pointed and screams heroically, "MAKE no mistake people! We have to take out as many as we can! Now let's move out! MOVE! MOVE!"         

The marines disperse and as ordered, Unit 2 and 3 positioned themselves near the armored company while Unit 5, Unit 6, and National Guard soldiers cover the left flank of the line. Jaeger and his unit will be going even deeper into the open streets and face them head-on.

It's disturbing to know these things looked very much human... but the worst part is their faces. You can see the excitement, anger, sadness, and fear in their expressions as if they enjoy doing what they do. To be honest I'm a little scared and god helps us if they breach through our defenses.

"Unit 1, Unit 4," he shouted. "Prepare to fire!"

The marines begin to set up the targeting system for the Javelin launchers and taking aim at the approaching Titans. Their footsteps were getting louder and the ground violently shook around them. The armored company laid a coordinated barrage on the Titans, with 120MM rounds whizzing across the streets in high velocity with great effect, but only slowing down their movements. It is up to the ground forces to deal the Titans with Javelin and SMAW launchers.

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