"Yes sire!" Tum stood up and ran after Tar.

Lhong watched Turbo who was frowning and spoke in the mike "Thank you everyone, it's time for us to leave now! See you next time"

Lhong went to Turbo's side and gave him a sorry look but Turbo just rolled his eyes.

Tharn drives the car while Type sat in the back seat, he directly went to back seat and Tharn was too scared to ask him to come in front

"Type..... it was just fan service" Tharn said looking at Type through mirror

"Did I ask you?" Type asked with a blank voice making Tharn quiet.

Soon they reached their dorm, Type directly went to bath while Tharn waits for him outside

Once Type came out, he next to his bed and started playing game on his phone

"Type... why are you getting angry?" Tharn asked as he stares Type

"P'Tharn! Let's talk face to face! Do you like me?" Type asked in frustration

"Type..." Tharn was surprised by Type's sudden question

"Don't you Type me! Just answer me! Do you like me?" Typed asked

"Yes, I like you but..."

"Then why can't we date? Is it because I'm not good looking like you or because of some other reasons?" Type asked again

"Type! I'm not comfortable with dating yet.." Tharn replies in irritation, he's tired to Type's question

"You're not comfortable! But do you know I've been crushing on you for more than a couple of months now! I feel jealous when I see others get close to you! It irritates me!" Type said while choking, he felt his eyes watering but he didn't cry

"I know that.." Type didn't let Tharn complete his words.

"Then why are you doing this? I hate it when others can touch you! Kiss you but I can't! It drives me insane! I'm fucking jealous"

"Type! What's there to be jealous of?? Stop behaving so emotional, we aren't dating so it's not like I have cheated on you or something" Tharn shouts back in anger.

Type was stunned, he nodded softly and spoke "I'm sorry Phee, you're right, it's late you might be tired"

Type lay on his bed and pulled the blanket over himself, Tharn sighs in frustration and said "Type.. it's not over yet, talk to me!"

"Good night Phee"

Tharn stared at Type for a while before he closed the lights and went to sleep.

Meanwhile with Turbo and Lhong, Turbo wasn't angry. He was just upset that Lhong hide about this from him

Once they reached Turbo's flat, Lhong grabs Turbo's arm and pulls him into hug

"I'm sorry, I thought if I told you the truth you won't allow me! I promise it won't happen again"

"Phee, I'm not angry with you but I'm upset you thought so low of me. I felt jealous but if you had told me in advance then maybe it would have made me feel better" Turbo was with sad face

"Sorry? I swear it won't happen again?" Lhong gave Turbo puppy eyes making Turbo chuckle

"Fine! Don't hide anything next time okay?" Turbo hugs Lhong as he whispers


While with Tum, Tum was standing outside the house knocking on the door of the garden which was transparent because Tar wasn't letting him in

"Tarrr... Phee is Sorry"

"P'Tum, that's your punishment. No matter what I'm not allowing you inside today" Tar said as he look at Tum

"But Tar..."

Tar ignores Tum whining and pretends to read magazine, after sometime he saw Tum laying next to door and smiles sadly

Tar walks near the door and sat there, staring at Tum with soft smile

Next Day, Tharn came out of the bathroom and saw Type still sleeping. He sighs and went to wake up Type

"Type, wake up" Tharn shakes Type who groans and shouted

"Leave me alone"

"Type! Your class will start in an hour" Tharn reminded him

"That's none of your business! Get lost" Type pulled the blanket away and shouted at Tharn

"Fine! Be a brat then" Tharn grabs his bag and leaves in anger, though he felt bad later but Tharn decided Type needed some time alone.

Type went to the bathroom and took a quick shower before he went to college.

"Ai'Type... are you okay?" Champ asked when he saw Type distracted whole day

Even during practice Type was missing the goal each time as if he was somewhere else.

"Okay..." Type replies more like to himself

"Wanna talk?" Techno asked in worry

"Nothing, let's go for drink after this" Type rubs his hair as he spoke

"Okay?" Champ ame Techno looks at each other shrugs

Tharn came to the club with Tum, Lhong and some other friends as he felt frustrated since morning

"Um.. Tharn.." Lhong said looking at something with mixed reaction

"What?" Tharn asked

"Is that Type?" Tum asked as he also noticed the boy dancing with someone.

The guy had wrapped his arm around Type while Type was leaning on him for support.


Let me know if you like the chapter!

See you soon!!

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