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Tum was having his breakfast when someone rang the doorbell, Tum ignored it at first but that person kept ringing the bell.

Tum lazily went to open the door while cursing who could it be at this early. He was confused when he didn't see anyone after opening the door and scratch his head.

"SURPRISE!!" Tar shouted as he jumped on Tum, Tum stumbled and fell on the ground with Tar on top of him. Tar grins as he watches Tum groan in pain.

"P'Tum, you Okay?" Tar asked as Tum sat down, Tar slides of his lap and looks at him with sweet smile.

"What are you doing here?"Tum asked once he came back to his senses.

"What do you mean what I'm doing here?" Tar frowns, he pouts making him look cuter than he already was.

"I mean! When did you come? Why didn't you tell me?"

"Oh.. you're not happy to see me" Tar whispers sadly as he looks at the floor.

"Happy! I'm very happy!" Tum shouted when he saw Tar sad.

"Good! I'm going to stay here! Uncle already agreed!" Tar told Tum happily.

"Even Dad didn't tell me" Tum whispers.

"Because I told him not too! I plan to catch you red handed if you were cheating on me behind my back!! Come on! I'm tired" Tar shouted as he entered inside the house leaving Tum dumbfounded on the entrance.

"Phee! carry my things to my room! I'm going to shower in your room"


Lhong nervously waits outside Turbo's apartment, he was looking for the younger one so he can talk to him. Yesterday night he tried to call Turbo but Turbo didn't pick his calls.

Turbo came out of the apartment and looked Turbo's direction but started walking away. Lhong runs after him and stops him.

"Are you still angry? I'm sorry for my behaviour last night! Forgive me?" Lhong begs, Turbo sighs and looks at Lhong.

"It's okay, I'm getting late. I need to catch the bus" Turbo started walking  again but Lhong caught his hand.

"I always drop why are you taking the bus then? Come with me" Lhong pulls Turbo's hand but Turbo didn't move.

"Phee, I think you should go back. Thank you" Lhong was stunned, never before Turbo was this formal with him. He wanted to chase after the boy but at the same time he couldn't move.


Tum, Tharn and Lhong, all the three were restless as they sat in their seats and waited for the teacher. They looked at each other and Then Lhong spoked.

"Turbo is angry with me"

"Turbo? And angry with you? Don't make me laugh" Tum rolls his eyes.

Both were attached with each other to hips, Turbo could get angry with Tharn but never with his P'Lhong.

"I'm serious! He's upset, yesterday I shouted at him even though it was not his fault" Lhong grabs his head and mumbles as he thought about how to calm Turbo

"Well, who told you to get jealous over Type?" Tum said as he hit Lhong.

"I wasn't jealous! I was just worried!"  Lhong shouted but Tum didn't believe him.

"Type is behaving weirdly and it's making me feel strange, especially when I'm around him" Tharn said suddenly making his friends look at him with interest.

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