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Type was sitting on Tharn's lap happily enjoying his lunch, Tharn was surprised at first but then he thought it's normal. He has wrapped his arm around Type's waist and was busy chatting with his friends.

"P'Tharn... I can watch your practice?" Type asked in sweetly as finished his lunch.Tharn grabbed few tissues and wipes Type's face.

"Don't you have football practice?" Tharn asked in concern that Type might get tired.

"Nope, not today" 

"Okay, then you can watch it" Tharn hugs Type and replies.

"Thank you Phee!! See you in Evening! Bye" Type said bye to Tharn's friends too and left for his classes.

"Hey, Tharn. Are you dating your Nong?" Tharn's friend Day asked as he watched Type going.

"No, we are just Nong and Phee" Tharn replies with smiles.

"Really? Doesn't look so" Tum commented but Tharn ignores him.

"So, is he dating anyone?" Day asked again hopefully.

"I don't think so, why?" Tharn asked in confusion.

"Great! He's cute, I plan to hit on him" Day grins but Tharn was frowning on hearing this.

"No, you can't!" 

"What? But why? You said he's not dating anyone!" Day asked in confusion.

"My Nong is very innocent, don't ruin him! Go find someone else" Tharn scolded Day.

"Who are you to decide that?" Day asked in irritation, never before Tharn acted like this. Even when they used to tease him saying that Lhong was going to steal his cousin instead of getting angry he would encourage them.

"He's my Nong, I need to protect him," Tharn replies.

"Really! But you have no right to decide whom he can date!" Day shouts in annoyance.

"Okay! Guys stop fighting! Day don't be so furious, calm down! And Tharn, I know you're worried about Type but let him decide if he wants Day to court him or not" Lhong interferes and stops them. 

Tum held Tharn in fear he might hit Day. Their other two friends were also surprised by Tharn's sudden anger and rushed to help Tum and Lhong. Tharn glared at Day and left the cafeteria in anger. Lhong pats Day's shoulder and he and Tum run after Tharn.

In Evening....

When Turbo entered the music room he found a familiar face. Turbo rushes to Types' side and hugs him. Turbo was a bit of a clingy person, if he liked someone he would cling on to them. Type was startled but then recognised as a Turbo.

"Hii P'Type! Remember me?" Turbo asked excitedly still hugging Type.

"Of course I remember you Turbo!!!" Type hugs him back in happiness.

"What the fuck is going on there?" Lhong asked in annoyance watching Turbo and Type hugging each other.

"How the hell do they know each other?" Tharn asked, glaring at them. He didn't know Type knew Turbo.

"Think about that later but first focus on practice!" Tum scolded them making them feel embarrassed.

"What are you doing here Phee?" Turbo asked as they sat in the corner.

"I'm came here to watch P'Tharn's practice" 

"Ohhh.. I see" Turbo grins making Type flushed.

"You like my cousin right? right? I should have guessed it at that time when you said he's hot!" Turbo wiggled his eyebrows and spoke.

Angel of SeductionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora