Chapter 31 - Not a dream just food

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I woke up in my warm bed. In my surprisingly clean room. In sky's huge house . I laughed happily and jumped out of bed and stood on my soft carpet not the hard cold forest.

" IM HOME " I cried out knowing this wasn't one of my crazy dreams and I wasn't going to be stuck alone forever.

Lucky jumped off and ran around with his clean fur fluffed up. we walked down the stairs and to where the lounge and saw everyone sleeping there but I guessing Olivia ,phat and sky were in there rooms.

I saw Jason for once. He had been out on a holiday but he's back. I wonder when he got back? I took one step on the cold wooden floor and it creaked quietly but it still woke someone up but they went back to sleep except all the girls and some of the boys they just moaned.

" you ok nicole?

I turned and saw Jacob in the kitchen with what looked like tea.

" yeah I'm fine " I replied quickly making my way down the hall so no one else would wake up. The kitchen smelt wonderfull. The smell of a pancakes , bacon , eggs , scramble eggs a small portion of cooked tomatoes , toast and some hash browns.

" uh are you ok ? " I asked sitting next to him

" yeah I'm fine " he took a sip of his tea " want something " he got up and closed the kitchen door so no one would wake up

" well a hot chocolate would be amazing, thanks " I said walking over and grabbed some place mats and set the table for breakfast . On the counter I laid out each perfectly cooked food that Jacob had made and pulled out some drinks like apple juice and so on.

After I had finished me and Jacob sat down and lucky curled up next to my feet so I grabbed some of the free sample dog food and I put it into a bowl and let lucky ate it in the kitchen.

" may I ask " he paused and rubbed the pack of his neck " where you have been "

I smiled and giggled " sure why wouldn't I tell you " I asked

" well you've been gone for like a hole YEAR " he sighed " I thought I was never going to See you again , what about your mother? "

Lucky gave a little yip so I picked him Up and put him in my lap " oh this is lucky my little friend " I laughed " now she wasn't even my mother she was my foster mother so they kept me in the basement and then someone came and they stabbed me in the arm I escaped into the woods and lived there for half the time broke my leg at the beginning then when I was better we walked back to the road and someone found us sleeping in a tree and took us to minecon where I found bodil " I took a deep breath " that was only a brief explanation" I said sipping my warm drink

" wow '' and he gripped my t-shirt " I'm not letting you go " we laughed and we took another few sips from our drinks?I looked at the time and gasped

"What!! " Jacob got a bit of a fright and jumped up but I ran down the hall without replying.

" ok 1..2...3 " i lauded and belly flopped on everyone waking them up with a loud groan. Ty stared at me still half asleep

" goodmorning!! " he groaned as I got up and ran to sky's room and smirked. I filled a cup of water and snuck into his room. I put the cup above his head and splashed it on his head.

" THE SQUIDS ARE HERE " I yelled and he flicked awake and fell of the bed with him tangled in the sheets and..... I think he was trying to run

" Huh?" He groaned

" morning breakfast is in the kitchen can you go get olivia and phat ? " I ran out without listening to him complaining and ran back to Jacob and wiped the water off my face.

I sat down again as Jacob just stared at me confused as one by one everyone trudged into the kitchen and slouched in their chair.

" sup " I squeaked as everyone glared at me and sky just fell on the floor

" to tired "

" aww poor baby " I mocked dishing up and opening the lid to the scrambled eggs and everyone gasped

" FOOD " they chirped happily digging into the breakfast buffet

Lucky yipped and ran around i circles around the table as I chucked him a pice of bacon. If cooked wild pig isn't bacon who knows what is.

Sky had gotten up and dished up half of all the food and laughed as he saw lucky jump in the air and land on his back. The things lucky does for bacon.

" hey nicole ....... " sky smirked " WHERE GOING TO THE MOVIES "

I laughed I'd Didn't know if I should be worried or not.


Hey guys sorry for the short chapter I'm just to lazy right now and I'm busy with meh family and stuff. :D

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