Collide [Bondi Rescue]

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[A/N: I'm writing a Bondi Rescue story called Bondi Blues. If you haven't checked it out, please do! I'll be adding in imagines for some of the Bondi boys into this all-encompassing imagines book, but I don't want to change the cover, so here they come. I hope you enjoy! This one involves a few of the lifeguards!]

It had been a month or so since I had moved back to Australia. Unlike the four months I had lived there before while studying abroad, this time I was here for a year and a half. Instead of being up in Queensland again, I had decided to study in Sydney and see what New South Wales had to offer. I had missed Australia, and I felt right at home.

Ever since I had moved, I made it a point of mine to take up beach volleyball. After being a college athlete back home, it was something that kept me around sports, but it was also something new. I had been playing around with some of my friends at Uni, and we had decided to head to the eastern beaches for a while to swim, relax, and play some volleyball.

After we got settled on the beach, we began passing the ball around a bit. We didn't bring a net or anything, so we were just keeping the ball up. I knew that there were no ball games allowed on Bondi, but we were away from everyone else on the beach - it wouldn't hurt anyone, so it's okay, right?


A tall, slim lifeguard with curly hair was driving a quad car toward us, and there was another lifeguard with black hair accompanying him. They parked the quad as we continued to play pepper, and I felt my stomach knot. I didn't want to get in trouble.

"Hi guys, I'm really sorry, there's just no ball games allowed on the beach I'm afraid," said the taller one. One of my friends, Kevin, respectfully asked, "Even if nobody is around? We're just passing if that helps - we didn't even bring a net."

The same lifeguard replied empathetically, "I'm sorry, but rules are rules." We sighed as we put away the volleyball, and the one who seemed in charge, who's name we learned was Deano, thanked us.

After hopping in the ocean and laying out for a bit, I decided to walk up the promenade and get a bite to eat. As I pulled out my wallet to get a smoothie bowl, I dropped a few coins. I sighed in frustration, and as I went to pick them up, someone else's hand touched mine. My eyes shot up and locked with the black-haired lifeguard who was with Deano before. "Sorry," I mumbled, and he smiled lightly and replied, "You're alright." As I turned around to pay, he continued, "If it were me, I would have let you keep playing. Deano's one of the bosses, so he couldn't let it slide."

I grabbed my bowl and turned around, looking at him. He smirked and chuckled, finally introducing himself. He held out his hand and said, "Sorry. I'm Jackson."

I smiled back, shook his hand, and replied, "I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you, Jackson." As he got his bowl, we walked back toward the beach together. He asked me, "Well Y/N, what brings you to Australia?" I replied, "I'm studying my master's in Sydney, so I moved here about two months ago from the States." He curiously asked, "How are you liking it?" I smiled at his kindness before answering, "I'm loving it so far. The only tough thing is making friends, but it'll come with time."

We crossed Campbell Parade, and Jackson said, "Well I can help with that. If you aren't doing anything tonight, meet me at Bucketlist down the street at 7?"

Was Jackson asking me on a date?

Before I could process, he continued, "I can bring some of the boys too, I mean if you'd want. I was thinking I could get to know you better. You're really cool."

I smiled and replied, "I'd love to meet the boys, but I'd love to get to know you first. See you tonight."


It was 7, and I looked down the street to see Jackson walking across Campbell Parade toward me. I walked toward him and greeted him, and he smiled. I expected him to walk with me toward the restaurant; instead, he grabbed my hand and gently guided me toward the beach. The sun was still up, and if I had to guess, it would set in the next hour or so.

"Where are we going?" I asked skeptically, and he smiled. "We have a volleyball in the Tower. I figured you might want to get your fix in on the beach before sundown." I smiled widely, and we both began playing around. Jackson wasn't half bad.

As we passed the ball around, we got to know each other. I told him about moving across the world and what I had done in the States, and he told me about his endeavors and his family. As we put the ball back in the Tower, the sun was beginning to set.

"Wow..." I was mesmerized by the beauty of it all. Jackson sat next to me on the Tower stairs and remarked, "It never gets old..." We watched the sun set, and we both headed over to Bucket List to grab a drink together.

Unbeknownst to me, that was a hotspot for the lifeguard service to hang out after hours. As soon as Jackson and I walked in, I heard people yelling his name. He laughed and explained, "The boys usually come here... They're really nice though, if you're up to meet them?" I asked, "Could we get a beer first?" He nodded, and we walked to the bar. As we ordered, he said, "I wouldn't have seen you as a beer kinda girl." I retorted jokingly, "I wouldn't have seen you as a volleyball kinda guy."

He smirked and replied, "Touché." Before I could touch my wallet, he paid for my beer. I opened my mouth to argue, and he replied, "Shush, we know what happened the last time you opened your wallet. As a thank you, I'd love for you to come meet the boys."

We walked over to a fairly large group of guys, and I was nervous to say the least. Would they think I'm his girlfriend? Would they like me?

Jackson introduced me to the boys, and I smiled at all of them. There were too many names to remember. Jackson explained, "I ran in to Y/N during my lunch break, and we hit it off. She's just moved here from the States, so I figured it might be nice to get to know some familiar faces."

I was really thankful for that, and I could tell the guys we're all genuine and kind. A familiar voice said, "You were pretty good at volleyball on the beach earlier, do you play?"

I looked over and saw Deano, and I smirked. I decided to joke around, and I replied, "We shoulda gone winner takes all then against ya earlier." A few of the boys chuckled, and Chappo remarked, "Dean, she would smash your face in."

I laughed, and turned to Deano, saying, "I just started playing over here. I played a college sport back home and it burned me out, so I figured taking something else up like this would be good."

I got to know the boys, and I felt like I had just formed quite a few new friendships. This was the happiest I'd truly been since I'd gotten to Sydney, and it was all thanks to me dropping some money in front of Jackson.

Finally, one of the boys asked, "So, Jackson, are you and Y/N supposed to be on a date and we crashed it?" Some of the boys chuckled, including Jackson. I was fine with just being friends with these guys - they seemed really genuine and fun to be around, but I would be blind if I didn't say they were good looking. Jackson was pretty attractive, too.

I almost spit out my drink at his reply.

"I mean, that was the idea. I guess we'll just have to go on another date and see if it works out - this time without you boys," he smirked, and the boys chuckled.

I replied, "I'd like that."

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